SNAP data QA/QC Shiny app R code

The serverHead.R script is sourced by server.R prior to the shinyServer call. It loads required server-side R packages and contains numerous support functions used by the app. A key purpose of including many standard R functions here is that many of them are used repeatedly in order to perform the same operations for different plot types. While this externalization adds another layer of abstraction to the code, and while some of these functions clearly serve highly specific purposes and would make no sense without the fuller code context, it prevents a significant amount of code duplication.



Check if an input is NULL or zero.

# These functions are written with the structure of the app in mind. They
# are intended to avoid code duplication.
nullOrZero <- function(x) is.null(x) || x == 0


Obtain the AR ID (CMIP phase) based on the climate model.

mod2ar <- function(x) {
    if (x %in% c("CCCMAcgcm31", "GFDLcm21", "MIROC32m", "MPIecham5", "ukmoHADcm3")) 
    if (x %in% c("CCSM4", "GFDLcm3", "GISSe2-r", "IPSLcm5a-lr", "MRIcgcm3")) 


Sample from an empirical, estimated probability density function. This is used for distribution plots.

density2bootstrap <- function(Val, Prob, n.boot = 10000, interp = TRUE, n.interp = 1000, 
    ...) {
    if (interp) {
        p <- approx(Val, Prob, n = n.interp)
        Val <- p$x
        Prob <- p$y
    round(sample(Val, n.boot, Prob, rep = T), ...)


This function assists periodLength.

splitAt <- function(x, pos = NULL) if (is.null(pos)) list(x) else unname(split(x, 
    cumsum(seq_along(x) %in% pos)))


This function obtains the length of a defined period (combination of decades) when the user exercises the option to concatenate multiple selected decades into one or more equal-length longer-term periods.

periodLength <- function(x) {
    x.diff <- diff(sort(x))
    pos.split <- if (all(x.diff == 1)) 
        NULL else which(x.diff != 1) + 1
    x <- splitAt(x = x, pos = pos.split)
    n <- sapply(x, length)
    if (length(n) == 1 || all(diff(n) == 0)) 
        n else NULL  # Do not allow unequal length periods


This function aggregates consecutive months into one or more equal-length seasons.

collapseMonths <- function(d, variable, n.s, mos, n.samples = 1, f = function(x) round(mean(x), 
    1), f.args = list()) {
    p <- length(mos)/n.s
    ind <- as.integer(sapply(1:n.s, function(i, n, p) rep(1:n, p) + (i - 1) * 
        n, n = n.samples, p = p))
    d[, `:=`(Index, ind)]
    d <- d[, lapply(1:length(variable), function(i, x, f.args), c(list(get(x[i])), 
        f.args)), x = variable, f.args = f.args), by = list(Phase, Scenario, 
        Model, Var, Location, Year, Decade, Index)]
    d[, `:=`(Index, NULL)]
    id.seasons <- sapply(split(mos, rep(1:n.s, each = p)), function(x) paste(c(x[1], 
        tail(x, 1)), collapse = "-"))
    id.seasons <- rep(factor(id.seasons, levels = id.seasons), each = n.samples)
    d[, `:=`(Month, id.seasons)]
    setnames(d, paste0("V", 1:length(variable)), variable)
    setcolorder(d, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", variable, 
        "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
    for (i in 1:length(variable)) d[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(variable[i], 
        round(p * get(variable[i])))]  # multiply by p to sum precip, assumes mean() passed to f


This function concatenates decades into one or more equal-length longer-term periods.

periodsFromDecades <- function(d, n.p, decs, check.years = FALSE, n.samples = 1) {
    decs <- as.numeric(substr(decs, 1, 4))
    n.mos <- length(levels(d$Month))
    p <- length(decs)/n.p
    splt <- split(decs, rep(1:n.p, each = p))
    if (check.years) {
        # Ensure inclusion only of CRU data which exist for multi-decade period (may
        # be incomplete years)
        keep.ind <- which(sapply(splt, function(x) all(x %in% unique(d$Decade))))
        if (length(keep.ind)) {
            splt <- splt[keep.ind]
            periods <- paste0(substr(sapply(splt, function(x) paste(c(x[1], 
                tail(x, 1)), collapse = "-")), 1, 8), 9)
            for (i in 1:length(periods)) d[Decade %in% splt[[i]], `:=`(Decade, 
            d <- d[nchar(Decade) > 4, ]
        } else d <- NULL
    } else {
        periods <- paste0(substr(sapply(splt, function(x) paste(c(x[1], tail(x, 
            1)), collapse = "-")), 1, 8), 9)
        d[, `:=`(Decade, rep(periods, each = n.mos * 10 * p * n.samples))]


This function is used to properly dodge points when points are overlaid on top of other dodged elements such as bars or box plots. This is necessary when grouping and faceting by categorical values. ggplot is not good at handling this nuance on its own.

dodgePoints <- function(d, x, grp, n.grp,, width = 0.9) {
    if (is.character(grp) & n.grp > 1) {
        x <- d[, get(x)]
        d.grp <- d[, get(grp)]
        if ( == "None") {
            x.names <- unique(as.character(x))
            x.num <- grp.n <- grp.num <- rep(NA, nrow(d))
            for (m in 1:length(x.names)) {
                ind <- which(as.character(x) == x.names[m])
                grp.n[ind] <- length(unique(d.grp[ind]))
                x.num[ind] <- m
                grp.num[ind] <- width * ((as.numeric(factor(d.grp[ind]))/grp.n[ind]) - 
                  (1/grp.n[ind] + ((grp.n[ind] - 1)/2)/(grp.n[ind])))
        } else if ( != "None") {
            x.names <- unique(as.character(x))
            d.facet <- as.character(d[, get(])
            panel.names <- unique(d.facet)
            n.panels <- length(panel.names)
            x.num <- grp.n <- grp.num <- rep(NA, nrow(d))
            for (m in 1:n.panels) {
                for (mm in 1:length(x.names)) {
                  ind <- which(d.facet == panel.names[m] & as.character(x) == 
                  grp.n[ind] <- length(unique(d.grp[ind]))
                  x.num[ind] <- mm - 1 + as.numeric(factor(x[ind]))
                  grp.num[ind] <- width * ((as.numeric(factor(d.grp[ind]))/grp.n[ind]) - 
                    (1/grp.n[ind] + ((grp.n[ind] - 1)/2)/(grp.n[ind])))
        return(list(x.num = x.num, grp.num = grp.num, grp.n = grp.n))


This function lists the categorical variables available for use along the axes of a heat map.

getHeatmapAxisChoices <- function(scens, mods, locs, mos, yrs, decs, cmip3scens, 
    cmip5scens, cmip3models, cmip5models) {
    ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, scens, mods, locs, mos, yrs, decs), 
        length)) > 0)
    if (length(ind)) 
        choices <- c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Location", "Month", "Year", 
            "Decade")[ind] else choices <- NULL
    if (length(choices)) {
        if (length(scens) < 1) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
        if (length(mods) < 1) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
        if (!length(cmip3scens) | !length(cmip5scens)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!length(cmip3models) | !length(cmip5models)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
    } else choices <- NULL


This function returns the number of levels in a cetegorical variable used as the grouping variable.

nGroups <- function(grp, scenarios, models, mos, decs, locs) {
    if (is.null(grp) || grp == "None") 
    if (grp == "Phase") 
    if (grp == "Model") 
    if (grp == "Scenario") 
    if (grp == "Month") {
        x <- length(mos)
        if (x == 0) 
            x <- 12
    if (grp == "Decade") {
        x <- length(decs)
        if (x == 0) 
            x <- 23
    if (grp == "Location") 


This function help control which variables are available for faceting by specifically in a heat map.

getFacetChoicesHeatmap <- function(inx, iny = NULL, x.choices = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(iny)) {
        choices <- x.choices[-which(x.choices == inx | x.choices == iny)]
        if (length(choices)) 
            return(c("None", choices)) else return()
    } else NULL


This function returns the number of panels in a plot based on the current faceting variable.

getFacetPanels <- function(fct, mods, scens, mos, decs, locs) {
    if (!is.null(fct) && fct != "None") {
        if (fct == "Phase") 
        if (fct == "Model") 
        if (fct == "Scenario") 
        if (fct == "Month") {
            x <- length(mos)
            if (x == 0) 
                x <- 12
        if (fct == "Decade") {
            x <- length(decs)
            if (x == 0) 
                x <- 23
        if (fct == "Location") 
    } else NULL


This function obtains a list of currently pooled variables, if any. It is hierarchically dependent on variables present in the data subset as well as plot settings for which variables are assigned for the x and y axes, grouping, and faceting. If any variables remain in the data subset, they are known to be pooled. Additional code attempts to reduce redundancy. For example, it is pointless to output text which states that data are pooled across both years and decades.

getPooledVars <- function(inx, iny = NULL, ingrp = NULL, infct, grp.fct.choices = NULL, 
    choices, mos, years, decades, locs, scenarios, models, cmip3scens, cmip5scens, 
    cmip3mods, cmip5mods) {
    if (!is.null(ingrp) & !is.null(infct)) {
        if (inx != "Year") 
            grp.fct.choices <- union("Year", grp.fct.choices)
        ind <- which(grp.fct.choices %in% union(c("None", ingrp), infct))
        if (length(ind)) 
            grp.fct.choices <- grp.fct.choices[-ind]
        if (length(grp.fct.choices)) 
            choices <- grp.fct.choices else return()
    if (!is.null(iny) & !is.null(infct)) 
        ingrp <- iny
    if (!is.null(ingrp) & !is.null(infct)) {
        pooled.var <- choices[!(choices %in% c(inx, ingrp, infct))]
        if (infct == "None") {
            pooled.var <- choices[sort(match(unique(c("Year", pooled.var[which(pooled.var %in% 
                grp.fct.choices)])), choices))]
            if (inx == "Year") 
                pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Year"]
        if (length(years) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Year"]
        if (length(decades) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Decade"]
        if (length(locs) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Location"]
        if (length(scenarios) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[!(pooled.var %in% c("Phase", "Scenario"))]
        if ((ingrp == "Scenario" | infct == "Scenario") & length(cmip3scens) & 
            length(cmip5scens) & length(models) == 2) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Model"]
        if ((ingrp == "Model" | infct == "Model") & length(cmip3scens) & length(cmip5scens) & 
            length(models) == 2) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Scenario"]
        if (length(models) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[!(pooled.var %in% c("Phase", "Model"))]
        if (!length(cmip3scens) | !length(cmip5scens) | !length(cmip3mods) | 
            !length(cmip5mods) | ingrp == "Scenario" | infct == "Scenario" | 
            ingrp == "Model" | infct == "Model") 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Phase"]
        if (length(cmip3scens) & length(cmip5scens) & length(scenarios) == 2 & 
            (ingrp == "Phase" | infct == "Phase")) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Scenario"]
        if (length(cmip3mods) & length(cmip5mods) & length(models) == 2 & (ingrp == 
            "Phase" | infct == "Phase")) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Model"]
        if (length(mos) == 1) 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Month"]
        if ("Year" %in% pooled.var | inx == "Year") 
            pooled.var <- pooled.var[pooled.var != "Decade"]
    } else return()


This function provides a “semi-smart” in-panel text annotation based on current plot settings, emphasis on the “semi”.

getPlotSubTitle <- function(pooled, yrs, mos, mod, scen, phase = c("AR4", "AR5"), 
    loc) {
    if (!length(mos)) 
        mos <- "Jan - Dec"
    yrs.lab <- ifelse("Year" %in% pooled, paste("Years: ", paste(yrs[1], "-", 
        tail(yrs, 1)), "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    mos.lab <- ifelse("Month" %in% pooled, paste("Months: ", paste(mos, collapse = ", "), 
        "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    mod.lab <- ifelse("Model" %in% pooled, paste("GCMs: ", paste(mod, collapse = ", "), 
        "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    scen.lab <- ifelse("Scenario" %in% pooled, paste("Scenarios: ", paste(scen, 
        collapse = ", "), "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    phase.lab <- ifelse("Phase" %in% pooled, paste("Phases: ", paste(phase, 
        collapse = ", "), "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    loc.lab <- ifelse("Location" %in% pooled, paste("Locations: ", paste(loc, 
        collapse = ", "), "\n", collapse = ""), "")
    no.pooled <- all(c(loc.lab, phase.lab, scen.lab, mod.lab, mos.lab, yrs.lab) == 
    x <- ifelse(no.pooled, "", paste("Pooled variables:\n", loc.lab, phase.lab, 
        scen.lab, mod.lab, mos.lab, yrs.lab, sep = ""))


This function provides a “semi-smart” title to some plots based on current plot settings, emphasis on the “semi”.

getPlotTitle <- function(grp, facet, pooled, yrs, mos, mod, scen, phase = c("AR4", 
    "AR5"), loc) {
    gfp <- c(grp, facet, pooled)
    if (!length(mos)) 
        mos <- "Jan - Dec"
    yrs.lab <- ifelse("Year" %in% gfp, "", paste(yrs[1], "-", tail(yrs, 1)))
    mos.lab <- ifelse("Month" %in% gfp, "", paste(mos, collapse = ", "))
    mod.lab <- ifelse("Model" %in% gfp, "", paste(mod, collapse = ", "))
    scen.lab <- ifelse("Scenario" %in% gfp, "", paste(scen, collapse = ", "))
    loc.lab <- ifelse("Location" %in% gfp, "", paste(loc, collapse = ", "))
    x <- paste(loc.lab, scen.lab, mod.lab, mos.lab, yrs.lab)


This function handles “subjects” and its result is passed as an input to withinGroupLines.

getSubjectChoices <- function(inx, ingrp, pooled.vars) {
    if (inx == "Decade") 
    x <- c()
    if (!is.null(pooled.vars)) 
        x <- c(x, pooled.vars)
    if (inx != "Year") 
        x <- c(x, "Year")
    x <- unique(c(ingrp, x[x != "Decade"]))
    x <- x[x != "" & x != "None"]


This function handles idiosyncratic combinations of values of grouping variables and its number of factor levels.

adjustGroup <- function(grp, n.grp) {
    if (is.null(grp) || grp == "None") 
        grp <- 1
    if (n.grp == 1) 
        grp <- 1


This function controls how lines are drawn in the context of pooled observations. For example, if there are multiple observations per time point, due to pooling of multiple variables and/or multiple levels of categorical variables, this function helps ensure that lines are drawn separately for each “subject”.

withinGroupLines <- function(x, subjects) {
    if (x == "Decade") 
        subjects <- 1
    if (!length(subjects) || subjects[1] == "") 
        subjects <- 1
    if (subjects[1] != 1) {
        subjectlines <- TRUE
        if (length(subjects) > 1) 
            subjects <- sprintf("interaction(%s)", paste0(subjects, collapse = ", "))
    } else subjectlines <- FALSE
    list(subjects = subjects, subjectlines = subjectlines)


scaleColFillMan_prep is a support function for scaleColFillMan.

scaleColFillMan_prep <- function(fill = NULL, col) {
    scfm <- FALSE
    x1 <- !length(grep("friendly", col))
    if (x1) {
        x1 <- length(grep("border", col))
        if (x1) 
            fill <- NULL
    } else {
        scfm <- TRUE
        x1 <- length(grep("border", col))
        if (x1) 
            fill <- NULL
    list(scfm = scfm, fill = fill)


This function controls and adds scale_color_manual, scale_fill_manual, scale_color_brewer, and/or scale_fill_brewer layers to ggplot objects.

scaleColFillMan <- function(g, default, colpal, n.grp, cbpalette) { <- substr(c("CB-friendly", "Accent", "Dark2", "Pastel1", "Pastel2", 
        "Paired", "Set1", "Set2", "Set3"), 1, 4)
    if (substr(colpal, 1, 4) %in% 
        colseq <- "Nominal" else colseq <- "Not nominal"
    if (colseq == "Nominal" & default) 
        g <- g + scale_colour_manual(values = cbpalette) + scale_fill_manual(values = cbpalette)
    if (!default) {
        if (substr(colpal, 1, 3) == "HCL") {
            clr <- colorsHCL(n.grp)
            g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = clr) + scale_fill_manual(values = clr)
        } else if (substr(colpal, 1, 3) == "Rai") {
            clr <- rainbow(n.grp, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1, n.grp - 
                1)/n.grp, alpha = 1)
            g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = clr) + scale_fill_manual(values = clr)
        } else if (colpal != "none") {
            g <- g + scale_color_brewer(palette = strsplit(colpal, " ")[[1]][1]) + 
                scale_fill_brewer(palette = strsplit(colpal, " ")[[1]][1])


This function is used to help inform the text output which displays below a plot detailing which, if any, selected variables are pooled together in the plot.

pooledVarsCaption <- function(pv, permit, ingrp = NULL) {
    if (length(pv)) {
        pv <- tolower(paste0(pv, "s"))
        if (length(pv) == 2) {
            pv <- paste(pv, collapse = " and ")
        } else if (length(pv) > 2) {
            n <- length(pv)
            pv <- paste(c(paste(pv[1:(n - 2)], collapse = ", "), paste(pv[(n - 
                1):n], collapse = " and ")), collapse = ", ")
        if (permit) {
            if (is.null(ingrp) || ingrp == "None") 
                h5(paste0("Observations include multiple ", pv, ".")) else h5(paste0("Observations in each color group include multiple ", 
                pv, "."))


This function returns color sequence options, e.g., qualitative, divergent, etc., based on the number of levels in a selected grouping variable.

getColorSeq <- function(d, grp = NULL, n.grp = NULL, heat = FALSE, overlay = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(d) && heat) 
        return(c("Increasing", "Centered"))
    if (is.null(grp) || grp == "None") 
    if (overlay) 
        n.grp <- n.grp + 1
    x <- "Nominal"
    if (n.grp >= 8) 
        x <- c("Increasing", "Centered", "Cyclic") else if (!(grp %in% c("Phase", "Model", "Location"))) 
        x <- c("Nominal", "Increasing", "Centered", "Cyclic")
    if (!is.null(d)) 
        x else NULL


This function returns color palette options based on the available color sequence types.

getColorPalettes <- function(id, colseq, grp = NULL, n.grp = NULL, fill.vs.border = NULL, 
    fill.vs.border2 = TRUE, heat = FALSE, overlay = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(colseq)) { <- c("Blues", "BuGn", "BuPu", "GnBu", "Greens", "Greys", "Oranges", 
            "OrRd", "PuBu", "PuBuGn", "PuRd", "Purples", "RdPu", "Reds", "YlGn", 
            "YlGnBu", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd")
        pal.cen <- c("BrBG", "PiYG", "PRGn", "PuOr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "RdYlBu", 
            "RdYlGn", "Spectral")
        pal.nom <- c("Accent", "Dark2", "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", "Set1", 
            "Set2", "Set3")
        pal.cyc <- c("HCL", "Rainbow")
        x <- vector("list", length(colseq))
        if (!heat) 
            if (is.null(grp) || grp == "None") 
        if (!heat && overlay) 
            n.grp <- n.grp + 1
        for (i in 1:length(x)) {
            if (heat & colseq[i] == "Increasing") 
                x[[i]] <-
            if (heat & colseq[i] == "Centered") 
                x[[i]] <- pal.cen
            if (!heat) {
                if (colseq[i] == "Nominal") {
                  pal <- pal.nom
                  if (n.grp <= 8) 
                    pal <- c("CB-friendly", pal)
                  if (length(fill.vs.border) && fill.vs.border && fill.vs.border2) 
                    pal <- paste(rep(pal, each = 2), c("fill", "border"))
                } else if (colseq[i] == "Cyclic") {
                  pal <- pal.cyc
                  if (length(fill.vs.border) && fill.vs.border && fill.vs.border2) 
                    pal <- paste(rep(pal, each = 2), c("fill", "border"))
                } else if (colseq[i] == "Increasing") {
                  pal <-
                } else if (colseq[i] == "Centered") {
                  pal <- pal.cen
                if (exists("pal")) 
                  x[[i]] <- pal
        if (any(unlist(lapply(x, is.null)))) 
        names(x) <- colseq
        return(selectizeInput(id, "Color palette", choices = x, selected = x[[1]][1], 
            width = "100%"))
    } else NULL


This function assists with plot annotation. annotatePlot checks whether the x-axiss variable is a factor variable or numeric and attempts to smartly place annotatd text in the graphic panel. This is not always so easy with ggplot. Furthermore, the text itself, output from getPlotSubTitle which attempts to list how certain variables are pooled together in a plot, is only so “smart”. It is worth flagging on to check, but in general I turn this option off just as I tend to turn of the plot title.

annotatePlot <- function(g, data, x, y, y.fixed = NULL, text, col = "black", 
    bp = NULL, bp.position = NULL, n.groups = 1) {
    if (is.factor(data[[y]])) 
        y.coord <- 0.525 else if (is.null(y.fixed)) 
        y.coord <- max(data[[y]]) else y.coord <- y.fixed
    if (!is.null(bp) && bp) 
        if (bp.position == "fill") 
            y.coord <- 1 else if (bp.position == "stack") 
            y.coord <- n.groups * y.coord
    x.coord <- if (is.factor(data[[x]])) 
        0.525 else min(data[[x]])
    g <- g + annotate("text", y = y.coord, x = x.coord, label = bquote(.(text)), 
        hjust = 0, vjust = 1, fontface = 3, colour = col)