
The alfExtractMain.R script uses Rmpi to efficiently extract fire and vegetation statistics from calibrated, finalized ALFRESCO run output over the full Alaska-Canada 1-km resolution ALFRESCO extent. Data are saved to R workspaces (.RData files) for analysis and graphing by subsequent R code.


The primary motivation for this code is not just to extract regional data from a large number of high-resolution geotiffs, but to limit the routine recurrence and redundancy of such extractions. It allows for storing commonly required data in a more compact format that can be quickly shared and digested by other projects.


Extractions occur across multiple climate model and scenario-driven runs for multiple simulation replicates. Statistics are extracted from geotiff output map layers for the entire spatial extent as well as an arbitrary number of spatial subregions. This script is intended to run on a single climate model-driven set of ALFRESCO output files at a time; one model-scenario pair.

Files and data

The input files include 1-km Alaska-Canada extent data from ALFRESCO simulations as well as raster layer cell indices pertaining to various regional shapefile polygons. alfExtractMain.R is called via slurm script, alfExtractMain.slurm and is itself a wrapper around alfExtract.R which performs data extractions on multiple CPU cores across multiple compute nodes.

The alfExtractMain.R gathers on a head node the data extracted from ALFRESCO outputs on the CPU cores across all the processing nodes and writes these data to intermediary .RData workspace files:

  • Fire data (burn area, fire frequency and fire sizes) by region and vegetation class
  • Vegetation age by region and vegetation class
  • Vegetated area by region and vegetation class

Intermediate outputs are handled by additional R scripts.

R code


# Command line arguments
args = (commandArgs(TRUE))
if (!length(args)) q("no") else for (i in 1:length(args)) eval(parse(text = args[[i]]))

if (!exists("model.index")) stop("Must provide a model.index 1 to 15, e.g., model.index=1")
stopifnot(length(model.index) == 1)
if (!exists("reps")) stop("Must provide replicates as integer(s) 1:200, e.g., reps=1:25")
if (!exists("years")) years <- 2008:2100  # Assume if not specified
if (!exists("Rmpi")) Rmpi <- TRUE
if (Rmpi) {
    if (!exists("mpiBy")) 
        mpiBy <- "year"
    itervar <- if (mpiBy == "rep") 
        reps else if (mpiBy == "year") 
        1:length(years) else stop("mpiBy must be 'rep' or 'year'.")
    loopBy <- if (mpiBy == "rep") 
        "year" else "rep"
if (!exists("doFire")) doFire <- TRUE
if (!exists("doAgeVeg")) doAgeVeg <- TRUE
if (exists("repSample") && is.numeric(repSample)) {
    reps <- sort(sample(reps, min(repSample, length(reps))))
    cat("Sampled replicates:\n", reps, "\n")


# Rmpi setup
if (Rmpi) {
    mpi.spawn.Rslaves(needlog = TRUE)
    mpi.bcast.cmd(id <- mpi.comm.rank())
    mpi.bcast.cmd(np <- mpi.comm.size())
    mpi.bcast.cmd(host <-
} else {
    n.cores <- 32

# Load data table of cell indices defining groups of shapefile polygons
cells <- filter(cells, Source == "akcan1km") %>% group_by %>% select(-Source) %>% 
    group_by(LocGroup, Location)
if (exists("locgroup")) {
    cat("locgroup = ")
    cells <- filter(cells, LocGroup %in% unique(cells$LocGroup)[locgroup])
    stopifnot(nrow(cells) > 0)

dirs <- list.files("/big_scratch/apbennett/Calibration/FinalCalib", pattern = ".*.sres.*.", 
    full = T)
mainDirs <- rep(paste0(dirs, "/Maps")[model.index], each = length(itervar))
modname <- unique(basename(dirname(mainDirs)))
if (mpiBy == "rep") dir.create(ageDir <- file.path("/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/Rmpi/outputs/veg", 
    modname), recursive = T, showWarnings = F) else ageDir <- NULL

# veg.labels <- c('Black Spruce', 'White Spruce', 'Deciduous', 'Shrub
# Tundra', 'Graminoid Tundra', 'Wetland Tundra', 'Barren lichen-moss',
# 'Temperate Rainforest')
scen.levels <- c("SRES B1", "SRES A1B", "SRES A2", "RCP 4.5", "RCP 6.0", "RCP 8.5")
mod.scen <- unlist(strsplit(modname, "\\."))


Define support functions.

# Support functions include later: # CCSM4='CCSM4', GFDLcm3='GFDLcm3',
# GISSe2-r='GISSe2-r', IPSLcm5a-lr='IPSLcm5a-lr', MRIcgcm3='MRIcgcm3'
swapModelName <- function(x) {
    switch(x, cccma_cgcm3_1 = "CCCMAcgcm31", gfdl_cm2_1 = "GFDLcm21", miroc3_2_medres = "MIROC32m", 
        mpi_echam5 = "MPIecham5", ukmo_hadcm3 = "ukmoHADcm3")

# include later: # rcp45='RCP 4.5', rcp60='RCP 6.0', rcp85='RCP 8.5'
swapScenarioName <- function(x) {
    switch(x, sresb1 = "SRES B1", sresa1b = "SRES A1B", sresa2 = "SRES A2")

# include later: # rcp45='AR5', rcp60='AR5', rcp85='AR5'
getPhase <- function(x) {
    switch(x, sresb1 = "AR4", sresa1b = "AR4", sresa2 = "AR4")
paste("Remaining support objects created. Now pushing objects to slaves.")

Send information from head node to CPUs on compute nodes

Send R objects from master to slaves.

# Export objects to slaves
if (Rmpi) {
    print("mpi.bcast.Robj2slave calls completed.")

Send R commands from master to slaves.

# Issue commands to slaves
if (Rmpi) {
    mpi.bcast.cmd(mainDir <- mainDirs[id])
    mpi.bcast.cmd(dir.create(tmpDir <- paste0("/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/tmp/proc", 
        id), showWarnings = F))
    mpi.bcast.cmd(rasterOptions(chunksize = 1e+11, maxmemory = 1e+12, tmpdir = tmpDir))
    print("mpi.bcast.cmd calls completed. Now running mpi.remote.exec...")
} else {
    mainDir <- mainDirs[1]
    tmpDir <- paste0("/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/tmp/procX")
    rasterOptions(chunksize = 1e+11, maxmemory = 1e+12, tmpdir = tmpDir)

Gather data

Extract and compile fire statistics.

# Compile fire statistics
if (doFire) {
    print("#### Compiling fire statistics... ####")
    if (Rmpi) {
        fsv.dat <- mpi.remote.exec(extract_data(i = itervar[id], type = "fsv", 
            loopBy = loopBy, mainDir = mainDir, reps = reps, years = years, 
            cells = select(cells, -Cell_rmNA)))
        fsv.dat <- rbindlist(fsv.dat)
    } else {
        len <- length(itervar)
        if (len <= n.cores) {
            fsv.dat <- mclapply(itervar, extract_data, type = "fsv", loopBy = loopBy, 
                mainDir = mainDir, reps = reps, years = years, cells = select(cells, 
                  -Cell_rmNA), mc.cores = n.cores)
            fsv.dat <- rbindlist(fsv.dat)
        } else {
            serial.iters <- ceiling(len/n.cores)
            n.cores2 <- which(len/(1:n.cores) < serial.iters)[1]
            fsv.dat <- vector("list", serial.iters)
            for (j in 1:serial.iters) {
                itervar.tmp <- 1:n.cores2 + (j - 1) * n.cores2
                itervar.tmp <- itervar.tmp[itervar.tmp <= max(itervar)]
                fsv.tmp <- mclapply(itervar.tmp, extract_data, type = "fsv", 
                  loopBy = loopBy, mainDir = mainDir, reps = reps, years = years, 
                  cells = select(cells, -Cell_rmNA), mc.cores = n.cores)
                fsv.dat[[j]] <- rbindlist(fsv.tmp)
                print(paste("Replicate batch", j, "of", serial.iters, "complete."))
            fsv.dat <- rbindlist(fsv.dat)
    fsv.dat.names.ini <- copy(names(fsv.dat))
    fsv.dat[, `:=`(Model, swapModelName(mod.scen[1]))]
    fsv.dat[, `:=`(Scenario, swapScenarioName(mod.scen[2]))]
    fsv.dat[, `:=`(Scenario, factor(Scenario, levels = scen.levels))]
    fsv.dat[, `:=`(Phase, getPhase(mod.scen[2]))]
    fsv.dat <- setcolorder(fsv.dat, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", fsv.dat.names.ini))
    setkey(fsv.dat, Location)
    print("Fire size by vegetation class completed.")
    print("Saving fire size by vegetation class data frames by location to .RData file.")
    locs <- unique(fsv.dat$Location)
    dir.create(fsvDir <- "/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/Rmpi/outputs/fsv", recursive = TRUE, 
        showWarnings = FALSE)
    for (j in 1:length(locs)) {
        filename.tmp <- paste0("fsv__", locs[j], "__", modname)
        d.fsv <- fsv.dat[locs[j]]
        save(d.fsv, file = paste0(fsvDir, "/", filename.tmp, ".RData"))
        print(paste(filename.tmp, "object", j, "of", length(locs), "saved."))
    rm(fsv.dat, d.fsv)

Extract and compile vegetation class and age statistics.

# Compile vegetation class and age statistics
if (doAgeVeg) {
    print("#### Compiling vegetation class and age statistics... ####")
    if (Rmpi) {
        va.dat <- mpi.remote.exec(extract_data(i = itervar[id], type = "av", 
            loopBy = loopBy, mainDir = mainDir, ageDir = ageDir, reps = reps, 
            years = years, cells = select(cells, -Cell)))
        d.area <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.area))
        if (mpiBy == "year") 
            d.age <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.age))
    } else {
        len <- length(itervar)
        if (len <= n.cores) {
            va.dat <- mclapply(itervar, extract_data, type = "av", loopBy = loopBy, 
                mainDir = mainDir, ageDir = ageDir, reps = reps, years = years, 
                cells = select(cells, -Cell), mc.cores = n.cores)
            d.area <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.area))
            if (mpiBy == "year") 
                d.age <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.age))
        } else {
            serial.iters <- ceiling(len/n.cores)
            n.cores2 <- which(len/(1:n.cores) < serial.iters)[1]
            d.age <- d.area <- vector("list", serial.iters)
            for (j in 1:serial.iters) {
                itervar.tmp <- 1:n.cores2 + (j - 1) * n.cores2
                itervar.tmp <- itervar.tmp[itervar.tmp <= max(itervar)]
                va.dat <- mclapply(itervar.tmp, extract_data, type = "av", loopBy = loopBy, 
                  mainDir = mainDir, ageDir = ageDir, reps = reps, years = years, 
                  cells = select(cells, -Cell), mc.cores = n.cores)
                d.area[[j]] <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.area))
                if (mpiBy == "year") 
                  d.age[[j]] <- rbindlist(lapply(va.dat, function(x) x$d.age))
                print(paste("Replicate batch", j, "of", serial.iters, "complete."))
            d.area <- rbindlist(d.area)
            if (mpiBy == "year") 
                d.age <- rbindlist(d.age)
    d.area.names.ini <- copy(names(d.area))
    d.area[, `:=`(Model, swapModelName(mod.scen[1]))]
    d.area[, `:=`(Scenario, swapScenarioName(mod.scen[2]))]
    d.area[, `:=`(Scenario, factor(Scenario, levels = scen.levels))]
    d.area[, `:=`(Phase, getPhase(mod.scen[2]))]
    d.area <- setcolorder(d.area, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", d.area.names.ini))
    setkey(d.area, Location)
    print("Vegetation area completed.")
    print("Saving vegetation area data tables by location to .RData files.")
    locs <- unique(d.area$Location)
    dir.create(vegDir <- "/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/Rmpi/outputs/veg", showWarnings = F)
    for (j in 1:length(locs)) {
        filename.tmp <- paste0("veg__", locs[j], "__", modname)
        d.vegarea <- d.area[locs[j]]
        save(d.vegarea, file = paste0(vegDir, "/", filename.tmp, ".RData"))
        print(paste(filename.tmp, "object", j, "of", length(locs), "saved."))
    rm(d.area, d.vegarea)
    if (mpiBy == "year") {
        d.age.names.ini <- copy(names(d.age))
        d.age[, `:=`(Model, swapModelName(mod.scen[1]))]
        d.age[, `:=`(Scenario, swapScenarioName(mod.scen[2]))]
        d.age[, `:=`(Scenario, factor(Scenario, levels = scen.levels))]
        d.age[, `:=`(Phase, getPhase(mod.scen[2]))]
        d.age <- setcolorder(d.age, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", d.age.names.ini))
        setkey(d.age, Location)
        print("Vegetation area by age completed.")
        print("Saving vegetation area by age data tables by location to .RData files.")
        locs <- unique(d.age$Location)
        dir.create(ageDir <- "/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/Rmpi/outputs/age", showWarnings = F)
        for (j in 1:length(locs)) {
            filename.tmp <- paste0("age__", locs[j], "__", modname)
            d.vegage <- d.age[locs[j]]
            save(d.vegage, file = paste0(ageDir, "/", filename.tmp, ".RData"))
            print(paste(filename.tmp, "object", j, "of", length(locs), "saved."))
        rm(d.age, d.vegage)

# All done
if (Rmpi) {
    mpi.close.Rslaves(dellog = FALSE)