SNAP data QA/QC Shiny app R code

The reactives.R script is sourced by app.R which is in turn sourced by server.R. This script contains strict server-side reactive expressions.


Button status

goBtnNullOrZero <- reactive({

twoBtnNullOrZero_ts <- reactive({
    goBtnNullOrZero() || nullOrZero(input$plotButton_ts)

twoBtnNullOrZero_sc <- reactive({
    goBtnNullOrZero() || nullOrZero(input$plotButton_sc)

twoBtnNullOrZero_hm <- reactive({
    goBtnNullOrZero() || nullOrZero(input$plotButton_hm)

twoBtnNullOrZero_vr <- reactive({
    goBtnNullOrZero() || nullOrZero(input$plotButton_vr)

twoBtnNullOrZero_sp <- reactive({
    goBtnNullOrZero() || nullOrZero(input$plotButton_sp)

# anyBtnNullOrZero <- reactive({ any(c(goBtnNullOrZero(),
# twoBtnNullOrZero_ts(), twoBtnNullOrZero_ts(), twoBtnNullOrZero_ts(),
# twoBtnNullOrZero_ts(), twoBtnNullOrZero_ts())) })

Time: months, seasons, years, decades, and long-term periods

Decades_original <- reactive({
    x <- sort(input$decs)
    if (!length(x)) 
        x <- decades

currentYears <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$yrs)) 

Months_original <- reactive({
    # x <- input$mos[order(match(input$mos,]
    x <- input$mos
    if (!length(x)) 
        x <-

Decades <- reactive({
    x <- Decades_original()
    if (!is.null(input$decades2periods)) {
        if (input$decades2periods & !is.null(dat_master())) 
            x <- unique(dat_master()$Decade)

limitedYears <- reactive({
    rng <- range(as.numeric(substr(Decades(), 1, 4))) + c(0, 9)
    yrs <- intersect(currentYears(), seq(rng[1], rng[2]))

Months <- reactive({
    x <- Months_original()
    if (!is.null(input$months2seasons)) {
        if (input$months2seasons & !is.null(dat_master())) 
            x <- unique(as.character(dat_master()$Month))

SeasonLength <- reactive({
    if (length(input$mos) <= 1) 
        NULL else periodLength(x = match(input$mos,

PeriodLength <- reactive({
    if (length(input$decs) <= 1) 
        NULL else periodLength(x = as.numeric(substr(input$decs, 1, 4))/10)

Models, scenarios, pair logicals, and composites

modelScenPair1 <- reactive({
    if (length(input$cmip3scens) & length(input$cmip3models)) 
        TRUE else FALSE

modelScenPair2 <- reactive({
    if (length(input$cmip5scens) & length(input$cmip5models)) 
        TRUE else FALSE

allModelScenPair <- reactive({
    if (modelScenPair1() & modelScenPair2()) 
        TRUE else FALSE

anyModelScenPair <- reactive({
    if (modelScenPair1() | modelScenPair2()) 
        TRUE else FALSE

scenarios <- reactive({
    x <- c()
    if (!is.null(input$cmip3scens)) 
        x <- input$cmip3scens
    if (!is.null(input$cmip5scens)) 
        x <- c(x, input$cmip5scens)
    ind <- which(x == "")
    if (length(ind)) 
        x <- x[-ind]
    if (!length(x)) 
        x <- NULL

models_original <- reactive({
    x <- c()
    if (!is.null(input$cmip3models)) 
        x <- input$cmip3models
    if (!is.null(input$cmip5models)) 
        x <- c(x, input$cmip5models)
    ind <- which(x == "")
    if (length(ind)) 
        x <- x[-ind]
    if (!length(x)) 
        x <- NULL

models <- reactive({
    x <- models_original()
    if (!is.null(input$compositeModel)) {
        if (input$compositeModel & !is.null(dat_master())) 
            x <- unique(dat_master()$Model)

composite <- reactive({
    x <- FALSE
    comp <- input$compositeModel
    if (!is.null(comp)) {
        l1 <- length(input$cmip3models)
        l2 <- length(input$cmip5models)
        if (comp & ((modelScenPair1() & l1 > 1) | (modelScenPair2() & l2 > 1)) & 
            !allModelScenPair()) {
            x <- 1
        } else if (l1 > 1 & l2 > 1 & allModelScenPair()) {
            if (l1 == l2 & comp) 
                x <- 2

Units, statistics, and bootstrap sample sizes

currentUnits <- reactive({
    if (input$convert_units) 
        c("F", "in") else c("C", "mm")

aggStatsID <- reactive({
    if (input$loctype == "Cities") 
    agg.stat.colnames[which(agg.stat.names == input$aggStats)]

aggStatsID2 <- reactive({
    if (input$loctype == "Cities") 
    agg.stat.colnames[which(agg.stat.names == input$aggStats2)]

aggStats <- reactive({
    unique(c(aggStatsID(), aggStatsID2()))

naggStats <- reactive({

BootSamples <- reactive({
    x <- as.numeric(input$bootSamples)
    if ( || x > 10000) 
        x <- 50

Geographic locations

Locs <- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$loctype) || input$loctype != "Cities") 
        input$locs_regions else if (input$loctype == "Cities") 
        input$locs_cities else NULL

regionSelected <- reactive({
    input$loctype != "Cities" & length(Locs())

citySelected <- reactive({
    input$loctype == "Cities" & length(Locs())

locSelected <- reactive({

Plot annotations and plot permission check

plot_ts_title <- reactive({
    getPlotTitle(grp = input$group, facet = input$facet, pooled = pooled.var(), 
        yrs = range(limitedYears()), mos = input$mos, mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), 
        loc = Locs())
plot_sp_title <- reactive({
    getPlotTitle(grp = input$group2, facet = input$facet2, pooled = pooled.var2(), 
        yrs = range(limitedYears()), mos = input$mos, mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), 
        loc = Locs())
plot_hm_title <- reactive({
    getPlotTitle(grp = "", facet = input$facetHeatmap, pooled = pooledVarHeatmap(), 
        yrs = range(limitedYears()), mos = input$mos, mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), 
        loc = Locs())
plot_var_title <- reactive({
    getPlotTitle(grp = input$group3, facet = input$facet3, pooled = pooled.var3(), 
        yrs = range(limitedYears()), mos = input$mos, mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), 
        loc = Locs())
plot_spatial_title <- reactive({
    getPlotTitle(grp = input$groupSpatial, facet = input$facetSpatial, pooled = pooledVarSpatial(), 
        yrs = range(limitedYears()), mos = input$mos, mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), 
        loc = Locs())

plot_ts_subtitle <- reactive({
    getPlotSubTitle(pooled = pooled.var(), yrs = limitedYears(), mos = input$mos, 
        mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), loc = Locs())
plot_sp_subtitle <- reactive({
    getPlotSubTitle(pooled = pooled.var2(), yrs = limitedYears(), mos = input$mos, 
        mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), loc = Locs())
plot_hm_subtitle <- reactive({
    getPlotSubTitle(pooled = pooledVarHeatmap(), yrs = limitedYears(), mos = input$mos, 
        mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), loc = Locs())
plot_var_subtitle <- reactive({
    getPlotSubTitle(pooled = pooled.var3(), yrs = limitedYears(), mos = input$mos, 
        mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), loc = Locs())
plot_spatial_subtitle <- reactive({
    getPlotSubTitle(pooled = pooledVarSpatial(), yrs = limitedYears(), mos = input$mos, 
        mod = models(), scen = scenarios(), loc = Locs())

permitPlot <- reactive({
    if (!(is.null(Months()) | is.null(currentYears()) | is.null(Decades()) | 
        is.null(input$vars) | is.null(input$convert_units) | is.null(scenarios()) | 
        is.null(models()) | (!length(Locs()) && !length(input$locs_cities)))) {
        if (input$vars[1] != "" & anyModelScenPair()) {
            x <- TRUE
        } else {
            x <- FALSE
    } else x <- FALSE

Master GCM data set

# Initially retain all climate variables regardless of user's selection
dat_master <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
    prog_d_master <- Progress$new(session, min = 0, max = 10)
    isolate(if (is.null(Months_original()) | is.null(input$vars) | is.null(scenarios()) | 
        is.null(models_original()) | locSelected() == FALSE) {
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        prog_d_master$set(message = "Loading GCM aggregate time series statistics...", 
            value = 1)
        if (input$loctype == "Cities" && length(input$locs_cities) && input$locs_cities[1] != 
            "") {
            city.ind <- which(city.names %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(city.ind)) {
                # currently, akcan 2-km res files are forced. 10-min files not used.
                load(city.gcm.files[city.ind[i]], envir = environment())
                if (i == 1) 
         <- city.dat else <- rbind(, city.dat)
            prog_d_master$set(message = "Subsetting GCM time series data...", 
                value = 2.5)
            x <- data.table(subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4) & Scenario %in% scenarios() & Model %in% models_original() & 
                Location %in% input$locs_cities))
        } else if (input$loctype != "Cities") {
            reg.nam <- sort(region.names.out[[input$loctype]])
            region.ind <- which(reg.nam %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(region.ind)) {
                filename <- switch(input$vars[1], Temperature = "stats_climate", 
                  Precipitation = "stats_climate")
                  "/", filename, ".RData"), envir = environment())  # Still can only load onevariable file, okay as long as app only contains T & P
                gcm.stats.df[, stats.columns] <- region.dat
                gcm.stats.df$Location <- reg.nam[region.ind[i]]
                if (i == 1) 
         <- gcm.stats.df else <- rbind(, gcm.stats.df)
            prog_d_master$set(message = "Subsetting GCM time series data...", 
                value = 2.5)
            cols.drop <- match(agg.stat.colnames[which(!(agg.stat.colnames %in% 
                aggStats()))], names(
            x <- subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4) & Scenario %in% scenarios() & Model %in% models_original(), 
                select = -cols.drop)
            x <- data.table(x)  # make this a data table in the next round of processing the input workspaces and then remove from here
        if (!is.null(input$months2seasons) && input$months2seasons) {
            prog_d_master$set(message = "GCM time series: aggregating months...", 
                value = 4)
            x <- collapseMonths(x, aggStats(), as.numeric(input$n_seasons), 
        if (!is.null(input$decades2periods) && input$decades2periods) {
            prog_d_master$set(message = "GCM time series: aggregating decades...", 
                value = 6)
            x <- periodsFromDecades(x, as.numeric(input$n_periods), Decades_original())
        # data from only one phase with multiple models in that phase selected, or
        # two phases with equal number > 1 of models selected from each phase.
        # Otherwise compositing prohibited.  can assume both phases have multiple
        # models, so split always works nicely
        if (composite() > 0) {
            prog_d_master$set(message = "Averaging model statistics...", value = 8)
            n <- length(input$cmip3models)  # will match length(input$cmip5models)
            x <- x[, lapply(1:naggStats(), function(i) round(sum(get(aggStats()[i]))/n, 
                1)), by = list(Phase, Scenario, Var, Location, Year, Month, 
            setnames(x, paste0("V", 1:naggStats()), aggStats())
            x[, `:=`(Model, paste0(Phase, " ", n, "-Model Avg"))]
            setcolorder(x, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", 
                aggStats(), "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
            if ("Precipitation" %in% c(input$vars, input$vars2)) 
                for (i in 1:naggStats()) x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(stats.columns[i], 
        if (input$convert_units) {
            prog_d_master$set(message = "Unit conversion...", value = 9)
            for (k in 1:naggStats()) {
                x[Var == "Temperature", `:=`(c(aggStats()[k]), round((9/5) * 
                  get(aggStats()[k]) + 32, 1))]
                x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(c(aggStats()[k]), round(get(aggStats()[k])/25.4, 
        prog_d_master$set(message = "GCM statistics complete.", value = 10)

Master CRU data set

CRU_master <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
    # prog_d_cru_master <- Progress$new(session, min=1, max=10)
    # on.exit(prog_d_cru_master$close())
    isolate(if (is.null(Months_original()) | is.null(input$vars) | is.null(input$convert_units) | 
        locSelected() == FALSE) {
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='Loading CRU 3.2 aggregate time series
        # statistics...')
        if (input$loctype == "Cities" && length(input$locs_cities) && input$locs_cities[1] != 
            "") {
            city.ind <- which(city.names %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(city.ind)) {
                # currently, akcan 2-km res files are forced. 10-min files not used.
                load(city.cru.files[city.ind[i]], envir = environment())
                if (i == 1) 
         <- city.cru.dat else <- rbind(, city.cru.dat)
            # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='Subsetting CRU 3.2 time series data...')
            x <- data.table(subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4)))  # & 
            # Scenario %in% scenarios() & Model %in% models_original())# & Location %in%
            # input$locs_cities)
        } else if (input$loctype != "Cities") {
            reg.nam <- sort(region.names.out[[input$loctype]])
            region.ind <- which(reg.nam %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(region.ind)) {
                filename <- switch(input$vars[1], Temperature = "stats_climate", 
                  Precipitation = "stats_climate")  # Still can only load onevariable file, okay as long as app only contains T & P
                  "/", filename, ".RData"), envir = environment())
                if (i == 1) 
         <- region.cru.dat else <- rbind(, region.cru.dat)
            # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='Subsetting CRU 3.2 time series data...')
            cols.drop <- match(agg.stat.colnames[which(!(agg.stat.colnames %in% 
                aggStats()))], names(
            x <- subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4), select = -cols.drop)
            x <- data.table(x)
        if (nrow(x) == 0) 
        x$Model <- x$Scenario <- x$Phase <- "CRU 3.2"
        setcolorder(x, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", aggStats(), 
            "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
        if (!is.null(input$months2seasons) && input$months2seasons) {
            # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='CRU 3.2 time series: aggregating
            # months...')
            x <- collapseMonths(x, aggStats(), as.numeric(input$n_seasons), 
        if (!is.null(input$decades2periods) && input$decades2periods) {
            # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='CRU 3.2 time series: aggregating
            # decades...')
            x <- periodsFromDecades(x, as.numeric(input$n_periods), Decades_original(), 
                check.years = TRUE)
        if (is.null(x)) 
        # data from only one phase with multiple models in that phase selected, or
        # two phases with equal number > 1 of models selected from each phase.
        # Otherwise compositing prohibited.
        if (input$convert_units) {
            # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='Unit conversion...')
            for (k in 1:naggStats()) {
                x[Var == "Temperature", `:=`(c(aggStats()[k]), round((9/5) * 
                  get(aggStats()[k]) + 32, 1))]
                x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(c(aggStats()[k]), round(get(aggStats()[k])/25.4, 
        # prog_d_cru_master$set(message='CRU 3.2 statistics complete.')

GCM data subsets

dat <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
        if (is.null(dat_master())) {
            x <- NULL
        } else {
            if (aggStatsID() == aggStatsID2()) 
                keep.cols <- 1:ncol(dat_master()) else keep.cols <- which(!(names(dat_master()) %in% aggStatsID2()))
            x <- subset(dat_master(), Var %in% input$vars, keep.cols)  # only one (first) climate variable permitted for use in TS plot

dat_heatmap <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero() || is.null(dat())) 
        d <- dat()
        if (input$hm_showCRU & !is.null(CRU())) {
            n.d <- nrow(d)
            mods.d <- unique(d$Model)
            d <- rbind(dat(), CRU())
            d$Source <- factor(c(rep("Modeled", n.d), rep("Observed", nrow(CRU()))))
            d$Model <- factor(d$Model, levels = c(CRU()$Model[1], mods.d))
        if (!is.null(input$heatmap_x) & !is.null(input$heatmap_y)) {
            x <- c(input$heatmap_x, input$heatmap_y)
            if (!(is.null(input$facetHeatmap) || input$facetHeatmap == "None")) 
                x <- c(x, input$facetHeatmap)
            stat1 <- aggStatsID()
            if (input$vars == "Temperature") 
                d <- ddply(d, x, here(summarise), XMean = round(mean(eval(parse(text = stat1))), 
                  1), XSD = round(sd(eval(parse(text = stat1))), 1))
            if (input$vars == "Precipitation") 
                d <- ddply(d, x, here(summarise), XMean = round(mean(eval(parse(text = stat1)))), 
                  XTotal = round(sum(eval(parse(text = stat1)))), XSD = round(sd(eval(parse(text = stat1)))))
            d <- data.table(d)
            setnames(d, gsub("X", "", names(d)))
            if (all($SD))) 
                d[, `:=`(SD, NULL)]

dat2 <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
        x <- NULL
        if (!is.null(dat_master()) && length(input$vars) && length(input$vars2)) 
            x <- data.table(dcast(dat_master(), Phase + Model + Scenario + Location + 
                Year + Month + Decade ~ Var, value.var = aggStatsID())) else x <- NULL
        if (!is.null(x) && aggStatsID() != aggStatsID2()) 
            x[, input$vars2] <- dat_master()[Var == input$vars2, get(aggStatsID2())]

CRU data subsets

CRU <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
    isolate(if (is.null(CRU_master())) {
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        if (aggStatsID() == aggStatsID2()) 
            keep.cols <- 1:ncol(CRU_master()) else keep.cols <- which(!(names(CRU_master()) %in% aggStatsID2()))
        x <- subset(CRU_master(), Var %in% input$vars, keep.cols)  # only one (first) climate variable permitted for use in TS plot
        rownames(x) <- NULL

CRU2 <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
        x <- NULL
        if (!is.null(CRU_master()) && length(input$vars) && length(input$vars2)) 
            x <- dcast(CRU_master(), Phase + Model + Scenario + Location + Year + 
                Month + Decade ~ Var, value.var = aggStatsID()) else NULL
        if (!is.null(x) && aggStatsID() != aggStatsID2()) 
            x[input$vars2] <- CRU_master()[CRU_master()$Var == input$vars2, 

GCM distributions data files

gcm_samples_files <- reactive({
    if (anyModelScenPair() & length(input$vars)) {
        s <- substr(scenarios(), 1, 3)
        AR <- gsub("RCP", "AR5", gsub("SRE", "AR4", s))
        y <- sapply(models_original(), mod2ar)
        x <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(y)) {
            x[[i]] <- paste(y[i], c("Hist", gsub(" ", "", scenarios())[AR == 
                y[i]]), models_original()[i], sep = "_")
            x[[i]] <- paste0(rep(x[[i]], each = length(input$vars)), "_", input$vars, 
    } else x <- NULL

Master GCM distributions data set

# Keep first climate variables only
dat_spatial <- reactive({
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
    prog_d_spatial <- Progress$new(session, min = 0, max = 10)
    isolate(if (is.null(Months_original()) | is.null(input$vars) | is.null(scenarios()) | 
        is.null(models_original()) | locSelected() == FALSE) {
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        if (input$loctype == "Cities" && length(input$locs_cities) && input$locs_cities[1] != 
            "") {
            #### Deal with cities under spatial data conditions later
            city.ind <- which(city.names %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(city.ind)) {
                prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Loading GCM spatial distributions...", 
                  value = 1 + 2 * i/length(city.ind))
                load(city.gcm.files[city.ind[i]], envir = environment())
                if (i == 1) 
         <- city.dat else <- rbind(, city.dat)
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Subsetting GCM spatial samples...", 
                value = 4)
            x <- subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4) & Scenario %in% scenarios() & Model %in% models_original() & 
                Location %in% input$locs_cities)
        } else if (input$loctype != "Cities") {
            #### Regions: only this is under development for now
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "GCM spatial samples...", value = 1)
            reg.nam <- sort(region.names.out[[input$loctype]])
            region.ind <- which(reg.nam %in% Locs())
            rsd.list <- vector("list", length(region.ind))
            for (i in 1:length(region.ind)) {
                # by region
                locDir <- file.path(region.gcm.samples.files[[input$loctype]][region.ind[i]], 
                loc.files <- list.files(locDir, pattern = "\\.RData")
                rsd.list1 <- vector("list", length(gcm_samples_files()))
                for (z in 1:length(gcm_samples_files())) {
                  # by model
                  mod.files <- gcm_samples_files()[[z]]
                  mod.files.list <- split(mod.files, substr(mod.files, nchar(mod.files) - 
                    16, nchar(mod.files) - 6))  # by variable
                  rsd.list2 <- vector("list", length(mod.files.list))
                  for (zz in 1:length(mod.files.list)) {
                    var.files <- mod.files.list[[zz]]
                    rsd.list3 <- vector("list", length(var.files) - 1)
                    for (zzz in 1:length(var.files)) {
                      load(file.path(locDir, var.files[zzz]), envir = environment())  # Historical df loaded first (*alphabetical*)
                      if (zzz == 1) {
                        rsd.h <- subset(rsd.h, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
                ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% 
                          substr(Decades_original(), 1, 4))
                        if (nrow(rsd.h) > 0) {
                          rsd.h[, `:=`(Val, Val/samples.multipliers[1])]
                          rsd.h[, `:=`(Prob, Prob/samples.multipliers[2])]  # <- rsd.h[,samples.columns]/rep(samples.multipliers, each=nrow(rsd.h))
                      if (zzz > 1) {
                        if (nrow(rsd.h) > 0) {
                          rsd.h[, `:=`(Phase, rsd$Phase[1])]
                          rsd.h[, `:=`(Scenario, rsd$Scenario[1])]
                          rsd.h[, `:=`(Model, rsd$Model[1])]
                        rsd <- subset(rsd, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
                ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% 
                          substr(Decades_original(), 1, 4))
                        if (nrow(rsd) > 0) {
                          rsd[, `:=`(Val, Val/samples.multipliers[1])]
                          rsd[, `:=`(Prob, Prob/samples.multipliers[2])]
                          if (nrow(rsd.h) > 0) 
                            rsd.list3[[zzz - 1]] <- rbind(rsd.h, rsd) else rsd.list3[[zzz - 1]] <- rsd
                        } else if (nrow(rsd.h) > 0) {
                          rsd.list3[[zzz - 1]] <- rsd.h
                        } else return(NULL)
                    rsd.list2[[zz]] <- rbindlist(rsd.list3)
                  rsd.list1[[z]] <- rbindlist(rsd.list2)
                rsd.list[[i]] <- rbindlist(rsd.list1)
            x <- rbindlist(rsd.list)
            rm(rsd.list, rsd, rsd.h)
            setkey(x, Phase, Scenario, Model, Var, Location, Year, Month, Decade)
        prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Bootstrap resampling...", value = 5)
        rnd <- if (input$vars[1] == "Precipitation") 
            0 else 1
        x <- x[, density2bootstrap(Val, Prob, n.boot = BootSamples(), digits = rnd), 
            by = list(Phase, Scenario, Model, Var, Location, Year, Month, Decade)]
        setnames(x, "V1", "Val")
        setcolorder(x, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", "Val", 
            "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
        if (!is.null(input$months2seasons) && input$months2seasons) {
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Aggregating months...", value = 6)
            x <- collapseMonths(x, "Val", as.numeric(input$n_seasons), Months_original(), 
                n.samples = BootSamples())
        if (!is.null(input$decades2periods) && input$decades2periods) {
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Aggregating decades...", value = 7)
            x <- periodsFromDecades(x, as.numeric(input$n_periods), Decades_original(), 
                n.samples = BootSamples())
        # data from only one phase with multiple models in that phase selected, or
        # two phases with equal number > 1 of models selected from each phase.
        # Otherwise compositing prohibited.  can assume both phases have multiple
        # models, so split always works nicely
        if (composite() > 0) {
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Averaging samples...", value = 7.5)
            n <- length(input$cmip3models)  # will match length(input$cmip5models)
            x[, `:=`(Index, rep(1:BootSamples(), length = nrow(x)))]
            x <- x[, round(sum(Val)/n, 1), by = list(Phase, Scenario, Var, Location, 
                Year, Month, Decade, Index)]
            x[, `:=`(Index, NULL)]
            setnames(x, "V1", "Val")
            x[, `:=`(Model, paste0(Phase, " ", n, "-Model Avg"))]
            setcolorder(x, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", 
                "Val", "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
            if ("Precipitation" %in% input$vars) 
                x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(Val, round(Val))]
        if (input$convert_units) {
            prog_d_spatial$set(message = "Unit conversion...", value = 9.5)
            x[Var == "Temperature", `:=`(Val, round((9/5) * Val + 32, 1))]
            x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(Val, round(Val/25.4, 3))]
        prog_d_spatial$set(message = "GCM distributions complete.", value = 10)

Master CRU distributions data set

CRU_spatial <- reactive({
    #### All CRU datasets require recoding for externalization
    if (goBtnNullOrZero()) 
    # prog_d_cru_spatial <- Progress$new(session, min=1, max=10)
    # on.exit(prog_d_cru_spatial$close())
    isolate(if (is.null(Months_original()) | is.null(input$vars) | is.null(input$convert_units) | 
        locSelected() == FALSE) {
        x <- NULL
    } else {
        # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='Subsetting CRU 3.2 spatial
        # distributions...', value=1)
        if (input$loctype == "Cities" && length(input$locs_cities) && input$locs_cities[1] != 
            "") {
            x <- subset(d.cities.cru31, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4) & Location %in% input$locs_cities)
        } else if (input$loctype != "Cities") {
            reg.nam <- sort(region.names.out[[input$loctype]])
            region.ind <- which(reg.nam %in% Locs())
            for (i in 1:length(region.ind)) {
                  "/", tolower(input$vars[1]), ".RData"), envir = environment())  # Still can only load one variable file, okay as long as app only contains T & P
                cru32.samples.df[, samples.columns.cru] <- rsd.cru/rep(samples.multipliers.cru, 
                  each = length(rsd.cru)/2)
                cru32.samples.df$Var <- input$vars[1]
                cru32.samples.df$Location <- reg.nam[region.ind[i]]
                if (i == 1) 
         <- cru32.samples.df else <- rbind(, cru32.samples.df)
            x <- subset(, Month %in%[match(Months_original(), 
      ] & Year %in% currentYears() & Decade %in% substr(Decades_original(), 
                1, 4))  # & Location %in% input$locs_regions & Var %in% input$vars[1])
            x <- data.table(x)
        if (nrow(x) == 0) 
        rnd <- if (input$vars[1] == "Precipitation") 
            0 else 1
        # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='CRU 3.2 bootstrap resampling...', value=3)
        x <- x[, density2bootstrap(Val, Prob, n.boot = BootSamples(), digits = rnd), 
            by = list(Var, Location, Year, Month, Decade)]
        setnames(x, "V1", "Val")
        x$Model <- x$Scenario <- x$Phase <- "CRU 3.2"
        setkey(x, Phase, Scenario, Model, Var, Location, Year, Month, Decade)
        setcolorder(x, c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Var", "Location", "Val", 
            "Year", "Month", "Decade"))
        if (!is.null(input$months2seasons) && input$months2seasons) {
            # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='CRU 3.2 spatial distributions: aggregating
            # months...', value=7)
            x <- collapseMonths(x, "Val", as.numeric(input$n_seasons), Months_original(), 
                n.samples = BootSamples())
        if (!is.null(input$decades2periods) && input$decades2periods) {
            # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='CRU 3.2 spatial distributions: aggregating
            # decades...', value=8)
            x <- periodsFromDecades(x, as.numeric(input$n_periods), Decades_original(), 
                check.years = TRUE, n.samples = BootSamples())
        if (is.null(x)) 
        # data from only one phase with multiple models in that phase selected, or
        # two phases with equal number > 1 of models selected from each phase.
        # Otherwise compositing prohibited.
        if (input$convert_units) {
            # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='Unit conversion...', value=9)
            x[Var == "Temperature", `:=`(Val, round((9/5) * Val + 32, 1))]
            x[Var == "Precipitation", `:=`(Val, round(Val/25.4, 3))]
        # prog_d_cru_spatial$set(message='CRU 3.2 distributions complete.',
        # value=10)

The below plot-specific reactive expresssions pertain grouping, faceting, and pooling, and additinal plot settings where applicable.

Time series

# ggplot2 grouping, faceting, pooling
groupFacetChoicesTS <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$xtime)) {
        if (input$xtime == "Year") {
            ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Months(), 
                Decades(), Locs()), length)) > 1)
            choices <- c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Month", "Decade", "Location")[ind]
        } else if (input$xtime == "Month") {
            ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Decades(), 
                Locs()), length)) > 1)
            choices <- c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Decade", "Location")[ind]
        } else if (input$xtime == "Decade") {
            ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Months(), 
                Locs()), length)) > 1)
            choices <- c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Month", "Location")[ind]
        choices <- c("None", choices)
        if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
        if (length(models()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) == 1) 
            choices <- NULL
    } else choices <- NULL

n.groups <- reactive({
    nGroups(input$group, scenarios(), models(), input$mos, input$decs, Locs())

facet.panels <- reactive({
    getFacetPanels(input$facet, models(), scenarios(), input$mos, input$decs, 

pooled.var <- reactive({
    x <- getPooledVars(inx = input$xtime, ingrp = input$group, infct = input$facet, 
        grp.fct.choices = groupFacetChoicesTS(), choices = c("Phase", "Scenario", 
            "Model", "Month", "Year", "Decade", "Location"), mos = Months(), 
        years = currentYears(), decades = Decades(), locs = Locs(), scenarios = scenarios(), 
        models = models(), cmip3scens = input$cmip3scens, cmip5scens = input$cmip5scens, 
        cmip3mods = input$cmip3models, cmip5mods = input$cmip5models)

subjectChoices <- reactive({
    getSubjectChoices(inx = input$xtime, ingrp = input$group, pooled.vars = pooled.var())

Scatter plot

sc_flip_xy <- reactive({
    if (is.null(c(input$vars, input$vars2))) 
    if (input$sc_x == input$vars) 
        FALSE else TRUE

groupFacetChoicesScatter <- reactive({
    ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Months(), 
        Decades(), Locs()), length)) > 1)
    choices <- c("None", c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Month", "Decade", 
    if (!is.null(choices)) {
        if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
        if (length(models()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) == 1) 
            choices <- NULL
    } else choices <- NULL

n.groups2 <- reactive({
    nGroups(input$group2, scenarios(), models(), input$mos, input$decs, Locs())

facet.panels2 <- reactive({
    getFacetPanels(input$facet2, models(), scenarios(), input$mos, input$decs, 

pooled.var2 <- reactive({
    x <- getPooledVars(inx = input$sc_x, ingrp = input$group2, infct = input$facet2, 
        grp.fct.choices = groupFacetChoicesScatter(), choices = c("Phase", "Scenario", 
            "Model", "Month", "Year", "Decade", "Location"), mos = Months(), 
        years = currentYears(), decades = Decades(), locs = Locs(), scenarios = scenarios(), 
        models = models(), cmip3scens = input$cmip3scens, cmip5scens = input$cmip5scens, 
        cmip3mods = input$cmip3models, cmip5mods = input$cmip5models)

Heat map

heatmap_x_choices <- reactive({
    getHeatmapAxisChoices(scenarios(), models(), Locs(), Months(), currentYears(), 
        Decades(), input$cmip3scens, input$cmip5scens, input$cmip3models, input$cmip5models)

heatmap_y_choices <- reactive({
    getHeatmapAxisChoices(scenarios(), models(), Locs(), Months(), currentYears(), 
        Decades(), input$cmip3scens, input$cmip5scens, input$cmip3models, input$cmip5models)

facetChoicesHeatmap <- reactive({
    getFacetChoicesHeatmap(inx = input$heatmap_x, iny = input$heatmap_y, x.choices = heatmap_x_choices())

facetPanelsHeatmap <- reactive({
    getFacetPanels(input$facetHeatmap, models(), scenarios(), input$mos, input$decs, 

pooledVarHeatmap <- reactive({
    x <- getPooledVars(inx = input$heatmap_x, iny = input$heatmap_y, infct = input$facetHeatmap, 
        grp.fct.choices = facetChoicesHeatmap(), choices = c("Phase", "Scenario", 
            "Model", "Month", "Year", "Decade", "Location"), mos = Months(), 
        years = currentYears(), decades = Decades(), locs = Locs(), scenarios = scenarios(), 
        models = models(), cmip3scens = input$cmip3scens, cmip5scens = input$cmip5scens, 
        cmip3mods = input$cmip3models, cmip5mods = input$cmip5models)

Variability plots

xvarChoices <- reactive({
    ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, scenarios(), models(), Locs(), Months(), 
        currentYears(), Decades()), length)) > 1)
    if (length(ind)) 
        choices <- c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Location", "Month", "Year", 
            "Decade")[ind] else choices <- NULL
    if (length(choices)) {
        if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
        if (length(models()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
    } else choices <- NULL

groupFacetChoicesVar <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$xvar)) {
        x <- unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Months(), Decades(), 
            Locs()), length))
        ind <- which(x > 1 & x <= 9)
        choices <- c("None", c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Month", "Decade", 
        if (!is.null(choices)) {
            choices <- choices[choices != input$xvar]
            if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
            if (length(models()) < 2) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
            if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
            if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
            if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) == 1) 
                choices <- NULL
        } else choices <- NULL
    } else choices <- NULL

n.groups3 <- reactive({
    nGroups(input$group3, scenarios(), models(), input$mos, input$decs, Locs())

facet.panels3 <- reactive({
    getFacetPanels(input$facet3, models(), scenarios(), input$mos, input$decs, 

pooled.var3 <- reactive({
    x <- getPooledVars(inx = input$xvar, ingrp = input$group3, infct = input$facet3, 
        grp.fct.choices = groupFacetChoicesVar(), choices = c("Phase", "Scenario", 
            "Model", "Month", "Year", "Decade", "Location"), mos = Months(), 
        years = currentYears(), decades = Decades(), locs = Locs(), scenarios = scenarios(), 
        models = models(), cmip3scens = input$cmip3scens, cmip5scens = input$cmip5scens, 
        cmip3mods = input$cmip3models, cmip5mods = input$cmip5models)

subjectChoices3 <- reactive({
    getSubjectChoices(inx = input$xvar, ingrp = input$group3, pooled.vars = pooled.var3())

Variability <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$variability)) 
        !input$variability else NULL

Distribution plots

spatial_x_choices <- reactive({
    ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, scenarios(), models(), Locs(), Months(), 
        currentYears(), Decades()), length)) > 1)
    if (length(ind)) 
        choices <- c("Phase", "Scenario", "Model", "Location", "Month", "Year", 
            "Decade")[ind] else choices <- NULL
    if (length(choices)) {
        if (!is.null(input$vars)) 
            choices <- c(input$vars[1], choices)
        if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
        if (length(models()) < 2) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
        if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
            choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
    } else choices <- NULL

groupFacetChoicesSpatial <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$spatial_x)) {
        ind <- which(unlist(lapply(list(phases, models(), scenarios(), Months(), 
            Decades(), Locs()), length)) > 1)
        choices <- c("None", c("Phase", "Model", "Scenario", "Month", "Decade", 
        if (!is.null(choices)) {
            choices <- choices[choices != input$spatial_x]
            if (length(scenarios()) < 2) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Scenario"]
            if (length(models()) < 2) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Model"]
            if (!length(input$cmip3scens) | !length(input$cmip5scens)) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
            if (!length(input$cmip3models) | !length(input$cmip5models)) 
                choices <- choices[choices != "Phase"]
            if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) == 1) 
                choices <- NULL
        } else choices <- NULL
    } else choices <- NULL

nGroupsSpatial <- reactive({
    nGroups(input$groupSpatial, scenarios(), models(), input$mos, input$decs, 

facetPanelsSpatial <- reactive({
    getFacetPanels(input$facetSpatial, models(), scenarios(), input$mos, input$decs, 

pooledVarSpatial <- reactive({
    x <- getPooledVars(inx = input$spatial_x, ingrp = input$groupSpatial, infct = input$facetSpatial, 
        grp.fct.choices = groupFacetChoicesSpatial(), choices = c("Phase", "Scenario", 
            "Model", "Month", "Year", "Decade", "Location"), mos = Months(), 
        years = currentYears(), decades = Decades(), locs = Locs(), scenarios = scenarios(), 
        models = models(), cmip3scens = input$cmip3scens, cmip5scens = input$cmip5scens, 
        cmip3mods = input$cmip3models, cmip5mods = input$cmip5models)

subjectChoicesSpatial <- reactive({
    getSubjectChoices(inx = input$spatial_x, ingrp = input$groupSpatial, pooled.vars = pooledVarSpatial())

plotTypeChoicesSpatial <- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$spatial_x)) 
    if (input$spatial_x == "Temperature" | input$spatial_x == "Precipitation") 
        c("Histogram", "Density") else c("Stripchart")

Data aggregation

These reactive expressions perform further data manipulation on input data sets so that summary statistics and aggregated information can be added to a plot.

# Data aggregation
datCollapseGroups <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(dat()) & !is.null(input$group)) {
        d <- copy(dat())
        d[, `:=`(c(input$group), "Average")]
    } else return()

datCollapsePooled <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(dat())) {
        d <- copy(dat())
        if (!is.null(pooled.var())) 
            d[, `:=`(c(pooled.var()), "Average")]
    } else return()

datCollapseGroups2 <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(dat2()) & !is.null(input$group)) {
        d <- copy(dat2())
        d[, `:=`(c(input$group), "Average")]
    } else return()

datCollapsePooled2 <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(dat2())) {
        d <- copy(dat2())
        if (!is.null(pooled.var())) 
            d[, `:=`(c(pooled.var()), "Average")]
    } else return()

stat <- reactive({
    if (!is.null(input$variability)) {
        if (input$variability) 
            stat <- input$errorBars else stat <- input$dispersion
    if (is.null(stat)) 
        stat <- "SD"

Plot-specific color sequences based on input data

# Color sequences
colorseq_ts <- reactive({
    getColorSeq(d = dat(), grp = input$group, n.grp = n.groups())

colorseq_sc <- reactive({
    getColorSeq(d = dat2(), grp = input$group2, n.grp = n.groups2())

colorseq_hm <- reactive({
    getColorSeq(d = dat_heatmap(), heat = TRUE)

colorseq_vr <- reactive({
    getColorSeq(d = dat(), grp = input$group3, n.grp = n.groups3(), overlay = input$vr_showCRU)

colorseq_sp <- reactive({
    getColorSeq(d = dat_spatial(), grp = input$groupSpatial, n.grp = nGroupsSpatial(), 
        overlay = input$sp_showCRU)