
The alfExtract.R script uses extract fire and vegetation statistics from calibrated, finalized ALFRESCO run output over the full Alaska-Canada 1-km resolution ALFRESCO extent. Data are saved to R workspaces (.RData files) for analysis and graphing by subsequent R code.


This script is called by the wrapper script, alfExtractMain.R as part of a non-interactive R SLURM job process using Rmpi. The script consists of functions, which are loaded onto each CPU core. The execution calls still originate from the parent Rpmi script on the head node.

Files and data

The input files include 1-km Alaska-Canada extent data from ALFRESCO simulations as well as raster layer cell indices pertaining to various regional shapefile polygons. All input data are passed directly from the alfExtractMain.R master R session running on the head node. alfExtract.R performs data extractions on multiple CPU cores across multiple compute nodes based on the data passed down to each CPU. Each CPU on the compute nodes is responsible for processing data for a unique ALFRESCO simulation spatial time series replicate.

alfExtract.R passed some computed ALFRESCO output statistics back to alfExtractMain.R on the head node to be combined, organized and written to intermediary files:

  • Fire data (burn area, fire frequency and fire sizes) by region and vegetation class
  • Vegetation age by region and vegetation class
  • Vegetated area by region and vegetation class

R code


rasterOptions(chunksize = 10^12, maxmemory = 10^11)

prep_alf_files <- function(i, loopBy, mainDir, reps, years) {
    if (is.null(years)) 
        years <- 2008:2100
    if (loopBy == "rep") {
        iter <- reps
        keep <- reps - 1
        id <- paste0("_", years[i], ".tif$")
    } else if (loopBy == "year") {
        keep <- iter <- years
        id <- paste0("_", c(0:199)[i], "_.*.tif$")
    p <- lapply(c("A", "V", "FireS"), function(p, id) gsub("expression", "", 
        paste(bquote(expression("^", .(p), ".*.", .(id))), collapse = "")), 
        id = id)
    files <- lapply(1:length(p), function(i, dir, p) list.files(dir, pattern = p[[i]], 
        full = TRUE), dir = mainDir, p = p)
    names(files) <- c("Age", "Veg", "FID")
    if (loopBy == "rep") 
        files.idx <- as.numeric(gsub("FireScar_", "", gsub("_\\d+\\.tif", "", 
            basename(files$FID)))) + 1
    if (loopBy == "year") 
        files.idx <- as.numeric(gsub("FireScar_\\d+_", "", gsub(".tif", "", 
    ord <- order(files.idx)
    files <- lapply(files, function(x, ord) x[ord], ord = ord)
    if (loopBy == "rep") 
        files <- lapply(files, function(x, idx) x[idx], idx = reps)
    if (loopBy == "year") 
        files <- lapply(files, function(x, file.idx, keep) {
            k <- file.idx %in% keep
            if (any(k)) 
                x[which(k)] else x
        }, file.idx = files.idx, keep = keep)
    files$iter <- if (is.null(iter)) 
        files.idx[ord] else iter
    stopifnot(all(diff(unlist(sapply(files, length))) == 0))

Processing functions


extract_data <- function(i, type, loopBy, mainDir, ageDir = NULL, reps = NULL, 
    years = NULL, cells, ...) {
    stopifnot(length(type) > 0 && type %in% c("av", "fsv"))
    if (type == "av") 
        return(extract_av(i, loopBy, mainDir, ageDir, reps, years, cells, ...))
    if (type == "fsv") 
        return(extract_fsv(i, loopBy, mainDir, reps, years, cells, ...))


extract_fsv <- function(i, loopBy, mainDir, reps = NULL, years = NULL, cells, 
    ...) {
    if (is.null(list(...)$veg.labels)) {
        veg.labels <- c("Black Spruce", "White Spruce", "Deciduous", "Shrub Tundra", 
            "Graminoid Tundra", "Wetland Tundra", "Barren lichen-moss", "Temperate Rainforest")
    } else veg.labels <- list(...)$veg.labels
    x <- prep_alf_files(i = i, loopBy = loopBy, mainDir = mainDir, reps = reps, 
        years = years)
    cells <- group_by(cells, LocGroup, Location)
    d.fs <- vector("list", length(x$iter))
    for (j in 1:length(x$iter)) {
        # fire size by vegetation class
        v <- list(FID = getValues(raster(x$FID[j], band = 2)), Veg = getValues(raster(x$Veg[j])))
        d <- filter(cells, Cell %in% which(!$FID))) %>% mutate(Vegetation = factor(veg.labels[v$Veg[Cell]], 
            levels = veg.labels), FID = v$FID[Cell]) %>% group_by(LocGroup, 
            Location, Vegetation, FID) %>% summarise(Val = length(Cell), Var = "Fire Size")
        d.fs[[j]] <- if (loopBy == "rep") 
            mutate(d, Replicate = x$iter[j]) else if (loopBy == "year") 
            mutate(d, Year = x$iter[j])
        print(switch(loopBy, rep = paste0("Year ", years[i], ": Replicate ", 
            x$iter[j]), year = paste0("Replicate ", i, ": Year ", years[x$iter[j]])))
    d.fs <- if (loopBy == "rep") 
        rbindlist(d.fs)[, `:=`(Year, as.integer(years[i]))] else if (loopBy == "year") 
        rbindlist(d.fs)[, `:=`(Replicate, as.integer(i))]
    d.fs <- setcolorder(d.fs, c("LocGroup", "Location", "Var", "Vegetation", 
        "Year", "Val", "FID", "Replicate")) %>% group_by(LocGroup, Location, 
        Var, Vegetation, Year) %>% setorder(Replicate, LocGroup, Location, Var, 
        Vegetation, Year, Val)
    print(paste("Returning fire size by vegetation class data table."))


extract_av <- function(i, loopBy, mainDir, ageDir = NULL, reps = NULL, years = NULL, 
    cells, ...) {
    if (is.null(list(...)$veg.labels)) {
        veg.labels <- c("Black Spruce", "White Spruce", "Deciduous", "Shrub Tundra", 
            "Graminoid Tundra", "Wetland Tundra", "Barren lichen-moss", "Temperate Rainforest")
    } else veg.labels <- list(...)$veg.labels
    if (!is.numeric(list(...)$n.samples)) 
        n.samples <- 1000 else n.samples <- list(...)$n.samples
    x <- prep_alf_files(i = i, loopBy = loopBy, mainDir = mainDir, reps = reps, 
        years = years)
    cells <- group_by(cells, LocGroup, Location)
    r <- getValues(raster(x$Age[1]))  # use as a template
    idx <- which(!
    idx.rmNA <- which(idx %in% 1:length(r))
    d.age <- vector("list", length(x$iter))
    for (j in 1:length(x$iter)) {
        v <- list(Age = getValues(raster(x$Age[j]))[idx], Veg = getValues(raster(x$Veg[j]))[idx])
        v$Age[v$Age < 0] <- v$Age[v$Age < 0] + 2147483647  # temporary hack
        d <- filter(cells, Cell_rmNA %in% idx.rmNA) %>% mutate(Vegetation = factor(veg.labels[v$Veg[Cell_rmNA]], 
            levels = veg.labels), Age = v$Age[Cell_rmNA]) %>% group_by(LocGroup, 
            Location, Vegetation, Age) %>% summarise(Freq = length(Cell_rmNA))
        d.age[[j]] <- if (loopBy == "rep") 
            mutate(d, Replicate = x$iter[j]) else if (loopBy == "year") 
            mutate(d, Year = x$iter[j])
        print(switch(loopBy, rep = paste0("Year ", years[i], ": Replicate ", 
            x$iter[j]), year = paste0("Replicate ", i, ": Year ", years[x$iter[j]])))
    d.age <- if (loopBy == "rep") 
        rbindlist(d.age)[, `:=`(Year, as.integer(years[i]))] else if (loopBy == "year") 
        rbindlist(d.age)[, `:=`(Replicate, as.integer(i))]
    d.age <- group_by(d.age, LocGroup, Location, Year, Vegetation) %>% setorder(Replicate, 
        LocGroup, Location, Year, Vegetation, Age, Freq)
    locs <- unique(d.age$Location)
    if (loopBy == "rep") {
        d.area <- group_by(d.age, Replicate, add = T) %>% summarise(Val = sum(Freq))
        d.area[, `:=`(Var, "Vegetated Area")]
        setcolorder(d.area, c("LocGroup", "Location", "Var", "Vegetation", "Year", 
            "Val", "Replicate"))
        d.age <- group_by(d.age, Age, add = T) %>% summarise(Freq = sum(Freq))
        d.age[, `:=`(Var, "Vegetation Age")]
        setcolorder(d.age, c("LocGroup", "Location", "Var", "Vegetation", "Year", 
            "Age", "Freq"))
        return(list(d.area = d.area, d.age = d.age))
    if (loopBy == "year") {
        d.area <- summarise(d.age, Val = sum(Freq))
        d.area[, `:=`(Var, "Vegetated Area")]
        setcolorder(d.area, c("LocGroup", "Location", "Var", "Vegetation", "Year", 
            "Val", "Replicate"))
        setkey(d.age, Location)
        for (j in 1:length(locs)) {
   <- paste0("age__", locs[j], "__rep", i)
            assign(, d.age[locs[j]])
            save(list = c("locs",, file = paste0(ageDir, "/", 
      , ".RData"))
            print(paste(, "object", j, "of", length(locs), "saved."))
            rm(list =
        return(list(d.area = d.area))