SNAP data QA/QC Shiny app R code

plot_ts.R contains the time series plotting function and is sourced by app.R.


function(d, d.grp, d.pool, x, y,, Log = FALSE, panels, grp, n.grp, ingroup.subjects = NULL, 
    facet.cols = min(ceiling(sqrt(panels)), 5),, vert.facet = FALSE, 
    fontsize = 16, colpal, linePlot, barPlot, pts.alpha = 0.5, bartype, bardirection, 
    show.points = TRUE, show.lines = FALSE, show.overlay = FALSE, overlay = NULL, 
    jit = FALSE, plot.title = "", plot.subtitle = "", show.panel.text = FALSE, 
    show.title = FALSE, lgd.pos = "Top", units = c("C", "mm"), yrange, clbootbar, 
    clbootsmooth, pooled.var, plot.theme.dark = FALSE, show.logo = F, logo.mat = NULL) {
    if (is.null(d)) 
        return(plot(0, 0, type = "n", axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = ""))
    if (plot.theme.dark) {
        bg.theme <- "black"
        color.theme <- "white"
    } else {
        bg.theme <- "white"
        color.theme <- "black"
    if (d$Var[1] == "Temperature") {
        bartype <- barPlot <- NULL
        Log <- FALSE
    if (!show.lines) 
        ingroup.subjects <- NULL
    if (show.overlay && !is.null(overlay)) 
        show.overlay <- TRUE else show.overlay <- FALSE
    if (show.overlay) 
        overlay$Observed <- "CRU 3.2"
    bar.pos <- "dodge"
    if (!length(lgd.pos)) 
        lgd.pos = "Top"
    if (!length(fontsize)) 
        fontsize <- 16
    fontsize = as.numeric(fontsize)
    if (is.null(pts.alpha)) 
        pts.alpha <- 0.5
    #### Point dodging when using grouping variable
    wid <- 0.9
    dodge <- position_dodge(width = wid)
    x.n <- length(unique(d[, get(x)]))
    if (is.character(grp) & n.grp > 1) {
        dodge.pts <- dodgePoints(d, x, grp, n.grp,, width = wid)
        xdodge <- "xdodge"
        d$xdodge <- dodge.pts$x.num + dodge.pts$grp.num
    if (Log) {
        units[2] <- paste("log", units[2])
        logy <- paste0("Log_", y)
        d[, `:=`(c(logy), round(log(get(y) + 1), 1))]
        d.pool[, `:=`(c(logy), round(log(get(y) + 1), 1))]
        d.grp[, `:=`(c(logy), round(log(get(y) + 1), 1))]
        if (show.overlay) 
            overlay[, `:=`(c(logy), round(log(get(y) + 1), 1))]
        y <- logy
    if (d$Var[1] == "Temperature") 
        ylb <- paste0(, " temperature (", units[1], ")") else ylb <- paste0(, " precipitation (", units[2], ")")
    main <- paste0("", tolower(d$Var[1]), ": ", plot.title)
    if (jit) 
        point.pos <- position_jitter(0.1, 0.1) else point.pos <- "identity"
    if (!is.null(bartype) & !is.null(barPlot)) {
        if (barPlot) 
            bar.pos <- tolower(strsplit(bartype, " ")[[1]][1])
        if (bartype == "Fill (Proportions)") 
            ylb <- "Precipitation (proportions)"
    wgl <- withinGroupLines(x = x, subjects = ingroup.subjects)
    grp <- adjustGroup(grp = grp, n.grp = n.grp)
    if (grp == 1) {
        colpal <- "none"
        color <- fill <- NULL
    } else color <- fill <- grp
    scfm <- scaleColFillMan_prep(fill = fill, col = colpal)
    fill <- scfm$fill
    if (length(vert.facet)) 
        if (vert.facet) 
            facet.cols <- 1
    g <- ggplot(d, aes_string(x = x, y = y, group = wgl$subjects, order = grp, 
        colour = color, fill = fill))
    if (plot.theme.dark) 
        g <- g + theme_black(base_size = fontsize) else g <- g + theme_bw(base_size = fontsize)
    g <- g + ylab(ylb) + theme(legend.position = tolower(lgd.pos), = "horizontal")
    if (!show.logo && show.title) 
        g <- g + ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(main))))
    if (length(colpal)) 
        g <- scaleColFillMan(g = g, default = scfm$scfm, colpal = colpal, n.grp = n.grp, 
            cbpalette = cbpalette)  # cbpalette source?
    if (!is.null( 
        if ( != "None") 
            g <- g + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~",, ncol = facet.cols)
    if (!is.null(barPlot) && barPlot) {
        if (is.null(fill)) {
            g <- g + stat_summary(data = d.pool, aes_string(group = grp), fun.y = mean, 
                geom = "bar", position = bar.pos)
        } else g <- g + stat_summary(data = d.pool, aes_string(group = grp), fun.y = mean, 
            geom = "bar", position = bar.pos, colour = color.theme)
        if (!is.null(bardirection)) 
            if (bardirection == "Horizontal bars") 
                g <- g + coord_flip()
    if (!is.null(linePlot) && linePlot) {
        if (wgl$subjectlines) {
            if (grp == 1) 
                g <- g + geom_line(position = "identity", colour = color.theme, 
                  alpha = pts.alpha) else g <- g + geom_line(position = "identity", alpha = pts.alpha)
        if (show.points) {
            if (!is.null(barPlot) && barPlot && is.character(grp) && n.grp > 
                1 && x != "Year") {
                g <- g + geom_point(aes_string(x = xdodge), pch = 21, size = 4, 
                  colour = color.theme, alpha = pts.alpha, position = position_jitter(width = wid/(x.n * 
            } else {
                g <- g + geom_point(pch = 21, size = 4, colour = color.theme, 
                  alpha = pts.alpha, position = point.pos)
        if (grp == 1) 
            g <- g + stat_summary(data = d, aes_string(group = grp), fun.y = mean, 
                colour = color.theme, size = 1, geom = "line") else g <- g + stat_summary(data = d, aes_string(group = grp), fun.y = mean, 
            size = 1, geom = "line")
    } else {
        if (wgl$subjectlines) {
            if (grp == 1) 
                g <- g + geom_line(position = "identity", colour = color.theme, 
                  alpha = pts.alpha) else g <- g + geom_line(position = "identity", alpha = pts.alpha)
        if (show.points) {
            if (!is.null(barPlot) && barPlot && is.character(grp) && n.grp > 
                1 && x != "Year") {
                g <- g + geom_point(aes_string(x = xdodge), pch = 21, size = 4, 
                  colour = color.theme, alpha = pts.alpha, position = position_jitter(width = wid/(x.n * 
            } else {
                g <- g + geom_point(pch = 21, size = 4, colour = color.theme, 
                  alpha = pts.alpha, position = point.pos)
    if (!is.null(yrange)) {
        if (yrange) {
            dodge <- position_dodge(width = 0.9)
            if (grp == 1) {
                g <- g + stat_summary(aes_string(group = grp), colour = "orange", 
                  fun.y = mean, fun.ymin = min, fun.ymax = max, geom = "errorbar", 
                  position = dodge, width = 0.5)
            } else if (length(grep("fill", colpal))) {
                g <- g + stat_summary(aes_string(group = grp), colour = color.theme, 
                  fun.y = mean, fun.ymin = min, fun.ymax = max, geom = "errorbar", 
                  position = dodge, width = 0.5)
            } else g <- g + stat_summary(aes_string(group = grp, colour = grp), 
                fun.y = mean, fun.ymin = min, fun.ymax = max, geom = "errorbar", 
                position = dodge, width = 0.5)
    # if(!is.null(clbootbar)) if(clbootbar) g <- g +
    # stat_summary(aes_string(group=x),'mean_cl_boot',
    # geom='crossbar', colour='black')
    if (!is.null(clbootsmooth)) {
        if (clbootsmooth) {
            if (!is.null(pooled.var)) 
                g <- g + stat_summary(data = d.pool, aes_string(group = grp, 
                  colour = grp, fill = grp), = "mean_cl_boot", geom = "smooth")
            g <- g + stat_summary(data = d.grp, aes_string(group = grp), = "mean_cl_boot", 
                geom = "smooth", colour = color.theme, fill = color.theme)
    if (show.overlay) {
        observed.col <- if (grp == 1) 
            "red" else color.theme
        if (wgl$subjectlines) 
            g <- g + geom_line(data = overlay, aes_string(x = x, y = y, group = wgl$subjects, 
                colour = NULL, fill = NULL), position = "identity", colour = observed.col, 
                alpha = pts.alpha)
        if (!is.null(linePlot) && linePlot) {
            g <- g + stat_summary(data = overlay, aes_string(x = x, y = y, group = grp, 
                colour = NULL, fill = NULL, size = "Observed"), fun.y = mean, 
                geom = "line", colour = observed.col)
        if (show.points) 
            g <- g + geom_point(data = overlay, aes_string(x = x, y = y, group = NULL, 
                colour = NULL, fill = NULL), position = point.pos, pch = 21, 
                size = 4, fill = color.theme, colour = "red", alpha = pts.alpha)
    if (show.panel.text) 
        g <- annotatePlot(g, data = d, x = x, y = y, text = plot.subtitle, col = color.theme, 
            bp = barPlot, bp.position = bar.pos, n.groups = n.grp/2)  #n.grp/2 is a rough estimate
    g <- g + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)), colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
    g <- addLogo(g, show.logo, logo.mat, show.title, main, fontsize)