
The alfPrep.R script loads, combines, and organizes extracted ALFRESCO random variable distributional information from intermediary .RData workspace files produced by upstream R scripts in the processing chain. Curated outputs are saved to R workspaces for analysis and graphing by subsequent R code.


The primary motivation for this code is not just to extract regional and point data from a large number of high-resolution geotiffs, but to limit the routine recurrence and redundancy of such extractions. It allows for storing commonly required data in a more compact format that can be quickly shared and digested by other projects.


This script uses parallel processing via the base parallel package and the function mclapply. Parallel processing is across regions. Processing is serial across model-scenario pairs. The code does not make use of Rmpi or similar options so it does not take advantage of multi-node cluster parallel processing. alfPrep.R is called via slurm script, alfPrep.slurm.

Files and data

Input files include .RData workspace files storing fire, vegetation, and age data unique to each model, scenario, simulation replicate and spatial region.

The alfPrep.R script produces the following curated outputs. Spatially aggregated summary statistics and modeled distributions by region and vegetation class for:

  • burn area
  • fire frequency
  • fire size
  • vegetation age
  • vegetated cover area

Things to note: * Age probability distributions have a joint support involving the spatially explicit distribution of ages on the landscape and the variation across the simulation replicates. * As spatially aggregated statistics by definition, burn area, fire frequency, and vegetation cover probability distributions have a univariate support based strictly on variation across simulation replicates.

R code


comargs <- (commandArgs(TRUE))
if (!length(comargs)) q("no") else for (z in 1:length(comargs)) eval(parse(text = comargs[[z]]))


if (!exists("mainDir")) mainDir <- "/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/Rmpi/outputs"
if (!exists("variable")) stop("Must provide 'variable' argument in escaped quotes. Options are 'age' (vegetation age), 'veg' (vegetated area), or 'fsv' (fire sizes by vegetation class).")
stopifnot(length(variable) == 1 && variable %in% c("age", "veg", "fsv"))
inDir <- file.path(mainDir, variable)
outDir <- "/workspace/UA/mfleonawicz/projects/SNAPQAQC/data/final/alfresco"

# All regions for which stage-1 outputs currently exist on disk.  Checking
# fsv files, but it is assumed stage one processing has been done on a
# common set of regions for all variables.
regions <- unique(sapply(strsplit(list.files(file.path(inDir)), "__"), "[", 
n.regions <- length(regions)
n.cores <- min(n.regions, 32)

Support functions

Define support functions which assist in assembling curated data frames.

# Support functions Density estimation
dtDen <- function(x, n = 1000, adj = 0.1, out = "vector", = TRUE, diversify = FALSE) {
    x <- x[!]
    lx <- length(x)
    if (diversify && length(unique(x)) == 1) 
        x <- rnorm(max(10, lx), mean = x[1])  # diversify constant values
    if (lx == 1) 
        x <- x + c(-1:1)  #single pixel of veg type, add and subtract one age year to make procedure possible
    b <- max(1, 0.05 * diff(range(x)))
    z <- density(x, adjust = adj, n = n, from = min(x) - b, to = max(x) + b)
    if ( && any(z$x < 0)) 
        z <- density(x, adjust = adj, n = n, from = 0, to = max(x) + b)
    if (out == "vector") 
        return(as.numeric(c(z$x, z$y))) else if (out == "list") 

# Bootstrapping
dtBoot <- function(p, p2 = NULL, n.boot = 10000, interp = TRUE, n.interp = 1e+05, 
    round.samples = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is.logical(round.samples) ||
    lp <- length(p)
    p <- if (is.null(p2)) 
        list(x = p[1:(lp/2)], y = p[(lp/2 + 1):lp]) else list(x = p, y = p2)
    if (interp) 
        p <- approx(p$x, p$y, n = n.interp)
    p <- sample(p$x, n.boot, prob = p$y, rep = T)
    if (round.samples == FALSE) 
        return(p) else if (round.samples == TRUE) 
        return(round(p)) else return(p, round.samples)

Processing function


# Primary processing functions
prep_data <- function(j, inDir, outDir, n.samples = 1000, n.boot = 10000, ...) {
    id <- basename(inDir)
    exact <- list(...)$exact
    if (is.null(exact) || !is.logical(exact) || id != "veg") 
        exact <- FALSE
    files <- list.files(inDir, full = T, pattern = paste0("^", id, "__.*.RData$"))
    files.locs <- sapply(strsplit(files, "__"), "[", 2)
    locs <- unique(files.locs)
    if (j > length(locs)) 
    loc <- locs[j]
    files <- files[which(files.locs %in% loc)]
    dat <- stat <- vector("list", length(files))
    for (i in 1:length(files)) {
        load(files[i], envir = environment())
        d <- get(ls(pattern = "^d\\."))
        rm(list = ls(pattern = "^d\\."))
        loc.grp <- d$LocGroup[1]
        loc <- d$Location[1]
        if (id == "fsv") {
            d2 <- group_by(d, Phase, Scenario, Model, Location, Var, Year, Replicate, 
                FID) %>% summarise(Val = sum(Val)) %>% mutate(Vegetation = "All")  # agg-veg FS
            d <- data.table(bind_rows(d, d2)) %>% mutate(Vegetation = factor(Vegetation, 
                levels = unique(Vegetation))) %>% group_by(Phase, Scenario, 
                Model, Location, Var, Vegetation, Year)  # individual and aggregate-veg fire sizes
            d2 <- group_by(d, Replicate, add = T) %>% summarise(BA = sum(Val), 
                FC = length(Val))  # burn area and fire frequency
            d <- summarise(d, Val = dtDen(Val, n = n.samples, out = "list")$x, 
                Prob = dtDen(Val, n = n.samples, out = "list")$y)
   <- summarise(d2, Val = dtDen(BA, n = n.samples, out = "list")$x, 
                Prob = dtDen(BA, n = n.samples, out = "list")$y) %>% mutate(Var = "Burn Area")
            d2.fc <- summarise(d2, Val = dtDen(FC, n = n.samples, out = "list")$x, 
                Prob = dtDen(FC, n = n.samples, out = "list")$y) %>% mutate(Var = "Fire Count")
            d <- data.table(bind_rows(d,, d2.fc))
            rm(, d2.fc)
        d <- group_by(d, Phase, Scenario, Model, Location, Var, Vegetation, 
        if (id == "age") 
            d <- summarise(d, Val = dtDen(sample(Age, n.boot, T, Freq), n = n.samples, 
                out = "list")$x, Prob = dtDen(sample(Age, n.boot, T, Freq), 
                n = n.samples, out = "list")$y) %>% group_by(Year, add = T)
        if (!exact & id == "veg") 
            d <- summarise(d, Val = dtDen(Val, n = n.samples, out = "list")$x, 
                Prob = dtDen(Val, n = n.samples, out = "list")$y) %>% group_by(Year, 
                add = T)
        get_stats <- function(data, exact = FALSE) {
            if (!exact) 
                data <- summarise(data, Val = dtBoot(Val, Prob, n.boot = n.boot)) %>% 
                  group_by(Year, add = T)
            summarise(data, Mean = round(mean(Val)), SD = round(sd(Val), 1), 
                Min = round(min(Val)), Pct_05 = round(quantile(Val, 0.05)), 
                Pct_10 = round(quantile(Val, 0.1)), Pct_25 = round(quantile(Val, 
                  0.25)), Pct_50 = round(quantile(Val, 0.5)), Pct_75 = round(quantile(Val, 
                  0.75)), Pct_90 = round(quantile(Val, 0.9)), Pct_95 = round(quantile(Val, 
                  0.95)), Max = round(max(Val))) %>% group_by(Year, add = T)
        s <- get_stats(d, exact = exact)
        dat[[i]] <- d
        stat[[i]] <- s
    dir.create(statsDir <- file.path(outDir, "stats", loc.grp, loc), recursive = T, 
        showWarnings = F)
    dir.create(samplesDir <- file.path(outDir, "samples", loc.grp, loc), recursive = T, 
        showWarnings = F)
    if (id == "fsv") {
        dat <- rbindlist(dat)
        d.alf.fs <- filter(dat, Var == "Fire Size") <- filter(dat, Var == "Burn Area")
        d.alf.fc <- filter(dat, Var == "Fire Count") <- rbindlist(stat)
        save(d.alf.fs, file = file.path(samplesDir, "fsByVeg.RData"))
        save(, file = file.path(samplesDir, "baByVeg.RData"))
        save(d.alf.fc, file = file.path(samplesDir, "fcByVeg.RData"))
        save(, file = file.path(statsDir, "stats_fsbafcByVeg.RData"))
    } else { <- switch(id, age = "d.alf.vegage", veg = "d.alf.vegarea") <- switch(id, age = "stats.alf.vegage", veg = "stats.alf.vegarea")
        assign(, rbindlist(dat))
        assign(, rbindlist(stat))
        filename <- paste0(tail(strsplit(, "\\.")[[1]], 1), ".RData")
        save(list =, file = file.path(samplesDir, filename))
        save(list =, file = file.path(statsDir, filename))


mclapply(1:n.regions, prep_data, inDir, outDir, mc.cores = n.cores)