This introductory vignette provides a brief, example-driven overview of rtrek.

Local datasets

The rtrek package provides datasets related to the Star Trek fictional universe and functions for working with those datasets. It interfaces with the Star Trek API (STAPI), Memory Alpha and Memory Beta to retrieve data, metadata and other information relating to Star Trek.

The package also contains several local datasets covering a variety of topics such as Star Trek timeline data, universe species data and geopolitical data. Some of these are more information rich, while others are toy examples useful for simple demonstrations. The bulk of Star Trek data is accessed from external sources by API. A future version of rtrek will also include summary datasets resulting from text mining analyses of Star Trek novels.

#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    dataset       description                           
#>    <chr>         <chr>                                 
#>  1 stGeo         Map tile set locations of interest.   
#>  2 stSpecies     Basic intelligent species data.       
#>  3 stTiles       Available map tile sets.              
#>  4 stBooks       Star Trek novel metadata.             
#>  5 stSeries      Names and acronyms of Star Trek series
#>  6 stapiEntities Star Trek API (STAPI) categories      
#>  7 stLogos       Metadata for various Star Trek logos  
#>  8 tlBooks       Novel-based timeline dataset          
#>  9 tlEvents      Event-based timeline dataset          
#> 10 tlFootnotes   Timeline dataset footnotes

At this time, several of the datasets are very small and are only included in the package in order to demonstrate some very basic examples and they are not particularly useful or interesting beyond this purpose. However, rtek now includes more sizable curated datasets relating the compendium of licensed, published Star Trek literature and multiple versions of Star Trek fictional universe historical timelines.

Package datasets in rtrek are somewhat eclectic and currently limited. They will expand with further package development. To list all available package datasets with a short description, call st_datasets().

Star Trek novels

A largely comprehensive Star Trek book metadata table is available as stBooks, which is informed and curated from directly parsing Star Trek e-book metadata rather than parsing third party website content.

#> # A tibble: 783 × 11
#>    title  author date  publisher identifier series subseries nchap  nword  nchar
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>  <chr>     <int>  <int>  <int>
#>  1 Star … Alan … 2009… Simon an… 1439163391 AV     NA           18  77035 4.60e5
#>  2 Starf… Rick … 2010… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    14  40129 2.39e5
#>  3 Starf… Rudy … 2010… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    31  52547 2.96e5
#>  4 Starf… Rick … 2011… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    13  39495 2.33e5
#>  5 Starf… Alan … 2012… Simon Sp… 978144242… AV     Starflee…    30  62030 3.50e5
#>  6 Star … Alan … 2013… Gallery … 978147671… AV     NA           17  77438 5.37e5
#>  7 Capta… James… 1998… Pocket B… 978143910… CT     NA           21  95110 5.55e5
#>  8 Capta… Macke… 1998… Pocket B… 978074345… CT     NA           26  76392 4.25e5
#>  9 Capta… Chris… 1998… Pocket B… 978143910… CT     NA           34  78678 4.43e5
#> 10 The C… John … 2000… Pocket B… 978074340… CT     NA          176 436682 2.47e6
#> # ℹ 773 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: dedication <chr>

This dataset is discussed further in the section below on e-book text mining.

Before moving on, it is worth mentioning a helpful table for mapping between series names and their abbreviations used throughout this package (and in the Star Trek community in general).

#> # A tibble: 35 × 3
#>    id              abb   type  
#>    <chr>           <chr> <chr> 
#>  1 Abramsverse     AV    series
#>  2 Challenger      CHA   series
#>  3 Deep Space Nine DS9   series
#>  4 Discovery       DSC   series
#>  5 Enterprise      ENT   series
#>  6 Klingon Empire  KE    series
#>  7 Miscellaneous   MISC  series
#>  8 New Frontier    NF    series
#>  9 Prometheus      PRO   series
#> 10 Seekers         SKR   series
#> # ℹ 25 more rows

Spatial maps

The stTiles data frame shows all available Star Trek-themed map tile sets along with metadata and attribution information. These map tiles can be used with the leaflet and shiny packages to make interactive maps situated in the Star Trek universe.

#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
#>   id      url          description width height tile_creator map_creator map_url
#>   <chr>   <chr>        <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>       <chr>  
#> 1 galaxy1 https://leo… Geopolitic…  8000   6445 Matthew Leo… Rob Archer  https:…
#> 2 galaxy2 https://leo… Geopolitic…  5000   4000 Matthew Leo… NA          http:/…

The list is scant at the moment, but more will come. One thing to keep in mind is these tile sets use a simple/non-geographical coordinate reference system (CRS). Clearly, they are not Earth-based, though they are spatial in more ways than one!

Similar to game maps, there is a sense of space, but it is a simple Cartesian coordinate system and does not use geographic projections like you may be used to working with when analyzing spatial data or making Leaflet maps. This system is much simpler, but simple does not necessarily mean easy!

Inspect stGeo:

#> # A tibble: 18 × 4
#>    id      loc          col   row
#>    <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 galaxy1 Earth       2196  2357
#>  2 galaxy1 Romulus     2615  1742
#>  3 galaxy1 Qo'noS      3310  3361
#>  4 galaxy1 Breen       1004   939
#>  5 galaxy1 Ferenginar  1431  1996
#>  6 galaxy1 Cardassia   1342  2841
#>  7 galaxy1 Tholia       407  3866
#>  8 galaxy1 Tzenketh    1553  2557
#>  9 galaxy1 Talar       1039  3489
#> 10 galaxy2 Earth       2201  1595
#> 11 galaxy2 Romulus     2514  1178
#> 12 galaxy2 Qo'noS      3197  2303
#> 13 galaxy2 Breen       1228  1181
#> 14 galaxy2 Ferenginar  2026   886
#> 15 galaxy2 Cardassia   1543  1903
#> 16 galaxy2 Tholia       713  2971
#> 17 galaxy2 Tzenketh    1734  1721
#> 18 galaxy2 Talar       1338  2368

This is another small dataset containing locations of key planets in the Star Trek universe. Notice the coordinates do not appear meaningful. There is no latitude and longitude. Instead there are row and column entries defining cells in a matrix. The matrix dimensions are defined by the pixel dimensions of source map that was used to create each tile set.

The coordinates are also not consistent. Source maps differ significantly. Even if they had identical pixel dimensions, which they do not, each artist’s visual rendering of the fictional universe will place locations differently in space. In this sense, every tile set has a unique coordinate reference system. For each new tile set produced, all locations of interest must be georeferenced again.

This is not ideal, but it gets worse. Once you have locations’ coordinates defined that map onto a particular tile set, the leaflet package does not work in these row and column grids. The (col, row) pairs need to be transformed or projected into Leaflet space. Fortunately, rtrek does this part for you with tile_coords(). It takes a data frame like one returned by st_tiles_data() with columns named col and row, as well as the name of an available Star Trek map tile set. It returns a data frame with new columns x and y that will map properly in a leaflet map built on that tile set.

id <- "galaxy1"
(d <- st_tiles_data(id))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#>   id      loc          col   row body   category  zone                   species
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <chr>                  <chr>  
#> 1 galaxy1 Earth       2196  2357 Planet Homeworld United Federation of … Human  
#> 2 galaxy1 Romulus     2615  1742 Planet Homeworld Romulan Star Empire    Romulan
#> 3 galaxy1 Qo'noS      3310  3361 Planet Homeworld Klingon Empire         Klingon
#> 4 galaxy1 Breen       1004   939 Planet Homeworld Breen Confederacy      Breen  
#> 5 galaxy1 Ferenginar  1431  1996 Planet Homeworld Ferengi Alliance       Ferengi
#> 6 galaxy1 Cardassia   1342  2841 Planet Homeworld Cardassian Union       Cardas…
#> 7 galaxy1 Tholia       407  3866 Planet Homeworld Tholian Assembly       Tholian
#> 8 galaxy1 Tzenketh    1553  2557 Planet Homeworld Tzenkethi Coalition    Tzenke…
#> 9 galaxy1 Talar       1039  3489 Planet Homeworld Talarian Republic      Talari…
(d <- tile_coords(d, id))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 10
#>   id      loc          col   row body   category  zone      species     x      y
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <chr>     <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 galaxy1 Earth       2196  2357 Planet Homeworld United F… Human    68.6  -73.7
#> 2 galaxy1 Romulus     2615  1742 Planet Homeworld Romulan … Romulan  81.7  -54.4
#> 3 galaxy1 Qo'noS      3310  3361 Planet Homeworld Klingon … Klingon 103.  -105. 
#> 4 galaxy1 Breen       1004   939 Planet Homeworld Breen Co… Breen    31.4  -29.3
#> 5 galaxy1 Ferenginar  1431  1996 Planet Homeworld Ferengi … Ferengi  44.7  -62.4
#> 6 galaxy1 Cardassia   1342  2841 Planet Homeworld Cardassi… Cardas…  41.9  -88.8
#> 7 galaxy1 Tholia       407  3866 Planet Homeworld Tholian … Tholian  12.7 -121. 
#> 8 galaxy1 Tzenketh    1553  2557 Planet Homeworld Tzenketh… Tzenke…  48.5  -79.9
#> 9 galaxy1 Talar       1039  3489 Planet Homeworld Talarian… Talari…  32.5 -109.

Here is an example using the galaxy1 map with leaflet. The st_tiles() function is used to link to the tile provider.

tiles <- st_tiles("galaxy1")
leaflet(d, options = leafletOptions(crs = leafletCRS("L.CRS.Simple"))) %>%
  addTiles(tiles) %>% setView(108, -75, 2) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~x, lat = ~y, label = ~loc, color = "white", radius = 20)

The stSpecies dataset is just a small table that pairs species named with representative thumbnail avatars, mostly pulled from the Memory Alpha website. There is nothing map-related here, but these are used in this Stellar Cartography example. It is similar to the Leaflet example above, but a bit more interesting, with markers to click on and information displays.

In the course of the above map-related examples, a few functions have also been introduced. st_tiles() takes an id argument that is mapped to the available tile sets in stTiles and returns the relevant URL. st_tiles_data() takes the same id argument and returns a simple example data frame containing ancillary data related to the available locations from stGeo. The result is always the same except that the grid cells for locations change with respect to the chosen tile set. Finally, tile_coords() can be applied to one of these data frames to add x and y columns for a CRS that Leaflet will understand.

Historical timeline

Fictional universe historical timeline data is an exciting type of in-universe Star Trek data to have at your fingertips to play around with and explore.

It is also difficult to compile. Many people have labored away intensely over the years compiling various attempts at integrated, internally consistent, accurate timelines of Star Trek universe lore. Some have turned out more successful than others.

As of rtrek v0.2.0 the rudimentary beginnings of what will ideally eventually become an up to date and comprehensive timeline dataset are now underway in the form of two different flavors of timeline datasets.

Novel-driven timeline

One is based on published works, mostly consisting of novels, as well as television series and movies, all placed in chronological order.

#> # A tibble: 2,122 × 14
#>           year title         series anthology format number novelization setting
#>          <dbl> <chr>         <chr>  <chr>     <chr>   <int> <lgl>        <chr>  
#>  1 -5000000000 The Q Contin… TNG    NA        book       47 FALSE        second…
#>  2 -5000000000 Spock's World TOS    NA        book       NA FALSE        second…
#>  3 -4000000000 Reciprocity   TNG    SNW       story      NA FALSE        second…
#>  4 -3500000000 All Good Thi… TNG    NA        book       NA TRUE         second…
#>  5 -2500000000 The Q Contin… TNG    NA        book       47 FALSE        second…
#>  6 -1000000000 The Q Contin… TNG    NA        book       48 FALSE        second…
#>  7  -444800000 The Escape    VOY    NA        book        2 FALSE        second…
#>  8   -64018143 First Fronti… TOS    NA        book       75 FALSE        second…
#>  9     -500000 Spock's World TOS    NA        book       NA FALSE        second…
#> 10     -307600 The Escape    VOY    NA        book        2 FALSE        second…
#> # ℹ 2,112 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: stardate_start <dbl>, stardate_end <dbl>,
#> #   detailed_date <chr>, section <chr>, primary_entry_year <int>,
#> #   footnote <int>

Event-driven timeline

The other is an event-driven timeline that consists of textual entries referencing historically significant events, situated chronologically in the timeline.

#> # A tibble: 1,241 × 6
#>           year setting     series source                          info  footnote
#>          <dbl> <chr>       <chr>  <chr>                           <chr>    <int>
#>  1 -4000000000 secondary   SNW    Reciprocity - SNW 2             ~4 b…       NA
#>  2 -4000000000 primary     SNW    The Beginning - SNW 6           ~4 b…        1
#>  3   -64000000 time travel TOS    First Frontier - TOS 75         ~64 …       NA
#>  4      -27800 secondary   DS9    Horn And Ivory - Gateways: Wha… ~278…       NA
#>  5       -2700 inferred    TOS    Yesterday's Son - TOS 11        ~270…       NA
#>  6        -300 secondary   NA     Spock's World - Vulcan Five     ~300…       NA
#>  7         -79 secondary   NA     Spock's World - Vulcan Six      Birt…       NA
#>  8         -70 secondary   TNG    The Devil's Heart - TNG         ~70 …        2
#>  9         -33 secondary   NA     Spock's World - Vulcan Six      Sura…       NA
#> 10         -22 secondary   TOS    Rihannsu 2: The Romulan Way - … Vulc…       NA
#> # ℹ 1,231 more rows

The two datasets are quite different in their focus and compliment one another.


One column these two timeline data frames share in common is the footnote column, which you can see only contains ID values for entries which have a footnote. The tlFootnotes dataset can be referenced or joined by footnote to one of the other tables. Footnotes tend to be long strings of text and not associated with most timeline entries, so they are kept in a separate table.

#> # A tibble: 605 × 3
#>    id       id text                                                             
#>    <chr> <int> <chr>                                                            
#>  1 book      1 "This chapter chronicles the period from the formation of the 40…
#>  2 book      2 "The time and manner of Borg origins are entirely speculative. B…
#>  3 book      3 "This chapter chronicles the period from Surak's birth until his…
#>  4 book      4 "As a vision, this may be historically unreliable. The events co…
#>  5 book      5 "This chapter chronicles the period from the Ahkh War (against t…
#>  6 book      6 "The date of the Awakening is around 2000 years prior to \"The S…
#>  7 book      7 "This chapter chronicles the period from S'task's Declaration un…
#>  8 book      8 "This chapter chronicles the journey of the Rihannsu Travelers u…
#>  9 book      9 "These chapters chronicle the period beginning 25.86 real-time y…
#> 10 book     10 "This chapter chronicles the period from the Settlement until th…
#> # ℹ 595 more rows

Timeline data details and caveats

tlBooks is novel-driven, meaning that the timeline entries (rows) provide a chronologically ordered list of licensed Star Trek novels. This timeline is helpful for figuring out when stories are set and the relative order in which they occur, but it does not provide any description of events transpiring in the universe.

While this data is very informative, it is many years out of date, being last updated in October of 2006. It is also necessarily speculative. Settings are determined based in part on what is interpreted to be the intention of a given author for a given story.

Nevertheless, it still represents possibly the highest quality representation of the chronological ordering of Star Trek fiction that combines episodes and movies with written works. The concurrent timeline of Star Trek TV episodes and movies are interleaved with the novels and other stories, anthologies and other written fiction. This provides fuller context resulting in a much richer timeline.

tlEvents is event-driven, meaning that the timeline entries (rows) provide chronologically ordered historical events from the Star Trek universe. As with tlBooks, this timeline is quite out of date. In fact it is at least somewhat more out of date than tlBooks, its last content update appearing to be no later than 2005. This timeline is also more problematic than the other, and less relevant moving forward. Its updating essentially ceased as the other began.

However, it is included because unlike tlBooks, which is a timeline of production titles, this timeline dataset is event-driven. While it may now be erroneous in places even independent from being out of date, it is useful for its informative textual entries referencing historically significant events in Star Trek lore.

In summary, these datasets have much value, but they should be used with the awareness that they are necessarily imperfect ans speculative, notably outdated, and tlEvents in particular is less able to stand the test of time as the Star Trek universe moves forward with new publications and productions.

It should also be noted that while it may be tempting to merge these two data frames, this is not advisable if it is important to maintain chronological order. It is generally safe to assume that multiple entries within a single year are listed in a sensible order in cases where it may matter, within-year entries do not have specific, unique within-year dates. They are ordinal only. It is not possible to merge entries from both tables for a specific year and know how the combined set of entries should be ordered- unless you already know everything about Star Trek, in which case please craft the ultimate timeline in a universal file format that can be easily digested by a computer.

Star Trek API

Now that you have seen an overview of available rtrek datasets and some associated functions, it is time to turn attention to external datasets. The Star Trek API (STAPI) is a particularly useful data source.

Keep in mind that STAPI focuses more on providing real world data associated with Star Trek (e.g., when did episode X first air on television?) than on fictional universe data, but it contains both and the database holdings will grow with time.

To use the words of the developers, the STAPI is

the first public Star Trek API, accessible via REST and SOAP. It’s an open source project, that anyone can contribute to.

The API is highly functional. Please do not abuse the API with constant requests. Their pages suggest no more than one request per second, but I would suggest ten seconds between successive requests. The default anti-DOS measures in rtrek limit requests to one per second. You can update this global rtrek setting with options(), e.g. options(rtrek_antidos = 10) for a minimum ten second wait between API calls to be an even better neighbor. rtrek will not permit faster requests. If set below one second, the option is ignored and a warning thrown when making any API call.

STAPI entities

There a many fields, or entities, available in the API. The available IDs can be found in this table:

#> # A tibble: 40 × 4
#>    id                 class   ncol colnames    
#>    <chr>              <chr>  <int> <named list>
#>  1 animal             tbl_df     7 <chr [7]>   
#>  2 astronomicalObject tbl_df     5 <chr [5]>   
#>  3 book               tbl_df    24 <chr [24]>  
#>  4 bookCollection     tbl_df    10 <chr [10]>  
#>  5 bookSeries         tbl_df    11 <chr [11]>  
#>  6 character          tbl_df    24 <chr [24]>  
#>  7 comicCollection    tbl_df    14 <chr [14]>  
#>  8 comics             tbl_df    15 <chr [15]>  
#>  9 comicSeries        tbl_df    15 <chr [15]>  
#> 10 comicStrip         tbl_df    12 <chr [12]>  
#> # ℹ 30 more rows

These ID values are passed to stapi() to perform a search using the API. The other columns provide some information about the object returned from a search. All entity searches return tibble data frames. You can inspect or unnest the column names of each table returned from every available entity search so you can see beforehand what variables are associated with each entity.

Accessing the API

Using stapi() should be thought of as a three part process:

  • Determine how many pages of results exist for a particular entity search.
  • Only after taking care to do the previous step, perform the search to return search results.
  • If satellite data is needed on a unique observation in the search results, call stapi() one more time referencing the specific observation.

To determine how many pages of results exist for a given search, set page_count = TRUE. The impact on the API will be equivalent to only searching a single page of results. One page contains metadata including the total number of pages. Nothing is returned in this “safe mode”, but the total number of search results available is printed to the console.

Searching movies only returns one page of results. However, there are a lot of characters in the Star Trek universe. Check the total pages available for character search.

stapi("character", page_count = TRUE)
#> Total pages to retrieve all results: 76

And that is with 100 results per page!

The default page = 1 only returns the first page. page can be a vector, e.g. page = 1:62. Results from multi-page searches are automatically combined into a single, constant data frame output. For the second call to stapi(), return only page two here, which contains the character, Q (currently, pending future character database updates that may shift the indexing). In case that does change and Q is not always near the top of page two of the search results, the example further below hard-codes his unique/universal ID.

stapi("character", page = 2)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 24
#>    uid            name   gender yearOfBirth monthOfBirth dayOfBirth placeOfBirth
#>    <chr>          <chr>  <chr>        <int> <lgl>        <lgl>      <lgl>       
#>  1 CHMA0000051779 Alex … NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  2 CHMA0000020014 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  3 CHMA0000039688 Alexa… M               NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  4 CHMA0000206312 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  5 CHMA0000213058 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  6 CHMA0000189986 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  7 CHMA0000069404 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  8 CHMA0000176430 Alexa… M               NA NA           NA         NA          
#>  9 CHMA0000174627 Alexa… NA              NA NA           NA         NA          
#> 10 CHMA0000007635 Alexa… M             2366 NA           NA         NA          
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: yearOfDeath <int>, monthOfDeath <int>, dayOfDeath <int>,
#> #   placeOfDeath <lgl>, height <int>, weight <int>, deceased <lgl>,
#> #   bloodType <lgl>, maritalStatus <chr>, serialNumber <chr>,
#> #   hologramActivationDate <lgl>, hologramStatus <chr>,
#> #   hologramDateStatus <lgl>, hologram <lgl>, fictionalCharacter <lgl>,
#> #   mirror <lgl>, alternateReality <lgl>

Character tables can be sparse. There are a lot of variables, many of which will contain missing data for rare, esoteric characters. Even for more popular characters about whom much more universe lore has been uncovered, it still takes dedicated nerds to enter all the data in a database.

When a dataset contains a uid column, this can be used subsequently to extract a satellite dataset about that particular observation that was returned in the original search. First you used safe mode, then search mode, and now switch from search mode to extraction mode to obtain data about Q, specifically. All that is required to do this is pass Q’s uid to stapi() and call the function one last time. When uid is no longer NULL, stapi() knows not to bother with a search and makes a different type of API call requesting information about the uniquely identified entry.

Q <- "CHMA0000025118"
Q <- stapi("character", uid = Q)

Q$episodes %>% select(uid, title, stardateFrom, stardateTo)
#>               uid                 title stardateFrom stardateTo
#> 1  EPMA0000259941               Veritas           NA         NA
#> 2  EPMA0000000651              Tapestry           NA         NA
#> 3  EPMA0000000500            Hide And Q      41590.5    41590.5
#> 4  EPMA0000277408        The Star Gazer           NA         NA
#> 5  EPMA0000280052              Farewell           NA         NA
#> 6  EPMA0000279099            Two of One           NA         NA
#> 7  EPMA0000278606               Watcher           NA         NA
#> 8  EPMA0000001510    The Q and the Grey      50384.2    50392.7
#> 9  EPMA0000001413                True Q      46192.3    46192.3
#> 10 EPMA0000000845                Q-Less      46531.2    46531.2
#> 11 EPMA0000001329                 Q Who      42761.3    42761.3
#> 12 EPMA0000278900    Fly Me to the Moon           NA         NA
#> 13 EPMA0000000483 Encounter at Farpoint      41153.7    41153.7
#> 14 EPMA0000001458    All Good Things...      47988.0    47988.0
#> 15 EPMA0000162588            Death Wish      49301.2    49301.2
#> 16 EPMA0000289337   The Last Generation           NA         NA
#> 17 EPMA0000001347                Deja Q      43539.1    43539.1
#> 18 EPMA0000277535               Penance           NA         NA
#> 19 EPMA0000278226          Assimilation           NA         NA
#> 20 EPMA0000279450                 Mercy           NA         NA
#> 21 EPMA0000001619                    Q2      54704.5    54704.5
#> 22 EPMA0000001377                  Qpid      44741.9    44741.9

The data returned on Q is actually a large list, including multiple data frames. For simplicity only a piece of it is shown above. For more examples, see the STAPI vignette.


Some functions in rtrek provide an API-like interface to online Star Trek-related data. Specifically, parsing data from the Memory Alpha and Memory Beta websites. These sites do not provide APIs. Therefore the only option is to read pages into R and parse the html. Behind the scenes this is done using the xml2 and rvest packages, but from the user perspective it is presented as passing an API endpoint string to a function.

memory_alpha and memory_beta, as well as several other related functions, are available in rtrek. These functions access data from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta. For details and examples on these functions, see the Memory Alpha vignette and the Memory Beta vignette.

Star Trek novel text mining

This section will be continued in a future version of rtrek. For now what is available is a dataset stBooks. This dataset represents metadata parsed, imperfectly but painstakingly and thoroughly, from actual Star Trek books. stBooks contains several different fields, including useful fields for analysts such as the number of words and chapters in a book.

#> # A tibble: 783 × 11
#>    title  author date  publisher identifier series subseries nchap  nword  nchar
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>  <chr>     <int>  <int>  <int>
#>  1 Star … Alan … 2009… Simon an… 1439163391 AV     NA           18  77035 4.60e5
#>  2 Starf… Rick … 2010… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    14  40129 2.39e5
#>  3 Starf… Rudy … 2010… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    31  52547 2.96e5
#>  4 Starf… Rick … 2011… Simon Sp… 978144241… AV     Starflee…    13  39495 2.33e5
#>  5 Starf… Alan … 2012… Simon Sp… 978144242… AV     Starflee…    30  62030 3.50e5
#>  6 Star … Alan … 2013… Gallery … 978147671… AV     NA           17  77438 5.37e5
#>  7 Capta… James… 1998… Pocket B… 978143910… CT     NA           21  95110 5.55e5
#>  8 Capta… Macke… 1998… Pocket B… 978074345… CT     NA           26  76392 4.25e5
#>  9 Capta… Chris… 1998… Pocket B… 978143910… CT     NA           34  78678 4.43e5
#> 10 The C… John … 2000… Pocket B… 978074340… CT     NA          176 436682 2.47e6
#> # ℹ 773 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: dedication <chr>

Obviously, verbatim licensed book content itself cannot be shared, so it is not possible to provide capability in rtrek to enable analysts to perform their own unique text mining analyses on Star Trek novel corpora. However, future versions of rtrek will include more summary datasets that will aim to represent more interesting variables.

A few examples could be:

  • the relative frequency of popular characters’ names per book.
  • a sentiment analysis; are some series darker than others?
  • relative lengths of books by series, author, or publication date; are there changes over time?

or any other set of interesting metrics that could be used, for example, to inform suggested reading lists of various titles, or books by particular authors with a favored style or focus.