Retrieve Star Trek data from the Star Trek API (STAPI).

stapi(id, page = 1, uid = NULL, page_count = FALSE)



character, name of STAPI entity. See details.


integer vector, defaults to first page.


NULL for search mode, character for extraction mode. See details.


logical, set to TRUE to do a preliminary check of the total number a pages of results available for a potential entity search. This will only have the impact of searching the first page.


a data frame in search mode, a list in extraction mode, and nothing is returned in page count check mode but the result is printed to the console.


See stapiEntities() for all the currently available API entities. These are the IDs for dataset collections or categories passed to id.

The universal ID uid can be supplied to retrieve a more specific subset of data. By default, uid = NULL and stapi() operates in search mode. As part of a stepwise process, you can first use search mode. Then if the resulting data frame includes a uid column, you can make a second call to the function providing a specific uid. This puts stapi() into extraction mode and will return satellite data associated with the unique entry from the original general sweep of the entity id.

rtrek employs anti-DOS measures. It will not perform an API call to STAPI more than once per second. To be an even better neighbor, you can increase this wait time using options, e.g. options(rtrek_antidos = 10) to increase the minimum time between API calls to ten seconds. Values less than one are ignored (defaulting back to one second) and a warning will be thrown when making any API call if this is the case.

Currently STAPI contains primarily real world data such as episode air dates, movie metadata, or production company information. Fictional world data is secondary and more limited.


# \donttest{
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
stapi("character", page_count = TRUE) # check first
#> Total pages to retrieve all results: 76 
stapi("character", page = 2) |> select(1:2)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#>    uid            name              
#>    <chr>          <chr>             
#>  1 CHMA0000051779 Alex Smutko       
#>  2 CHMA0000020014 Alexana Devos     
#>  3 CHMA0000039688 Alexander         
#>  4 CHMA0000206312 Alexander         
#>  5 CHMA0000213058 Alexander         
#>  6 CHMA0000189986 Alexander Courage 
#>  7 CHMA0000069404 Alexander Hamilton
#>  8 CHMA0000176430 Alexander Marcus  
#>  9 CHMA0000174627 Alexander Marcus  
#> 10 CHMA0000007635 Alexander Rozhenko
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
Q <- stapi("character", uid = "CHMA0000025118")
Q$episodes |> select(uid, title, stardateFrom, stardateTo)
#>               uid                 title stardateFrom stardateTo
#> 1  EPMA0000259941               Veritas           NA         NA
#> 2  EPMA0000000651              Tapestry           NA         NA
#> 3  EPMA0000000500            Hide And Q      41590.5    41590.5
#> 4  EPMA0000277408        The Star Gazer           NA         NA
#> 5  EPMA0000280052              Farewell           NA         NA
#> 6  EPMA0000279099            Two of One           NA         NA
#> 7  EPMA0000278606               Watcher           NA         NA
#> 8  EPMA0000001510    The Q and the Grey      50384.2    50392.7
#> 9  EPMA0000001413                True Q      46192.3    46192.3
#> 10 EPMA0000000845                Q-Less      46531.2    46531.2
#> 11 EPMA0000001329                 Q Who      42761.3    42761.3
#> 12 EPMA0000278900    Fly Me to the Moon           NA         NA
#> 13 EPMA0000000483 Encounter at Farpoint      41153.7    41153.7
#> 14 EPMA0000001458    All Good Things...      47988.0    47988.0
#> 15 EPMA0000162588            Death Wish      49301.2    49301.2
#> 16 EPMA0000289337   The Last Generation           NA         NA
#> 17 EPMA0000001347                Deja Q      43539.1    43539.1
#> 18 EPMA0000277535               Penance           NA         NA
#> 19 EPMA0000278226          Assimilation           NA         NA
#> 20 EPMA0000279450                 Mercy           NA         NA
#> 21 EPMA0000001619                    Q2      54704.5    54704.5
#> 22 EPMA0000001377                  Qpid      44741.9    44741.9
# }