Obtain a table of ancillary data associated with various locations of interest, given a specific map tile set ID.




character, name of a map tile set.


a data frame


This function returns a small example data frame of location-specific data along with grid cell coordinates that are specific to the requested map tile set ID.

See also


#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#>   id      loc          col   row body   category  zone                   species
#>   <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>     <chr>                  <chr>  
#> 1 galaxy2 Earth       2201  1595 Planet Homeworld United Federation of … Human  
#> 2 galaxy2 Romulus     2514  1178 Planet Homeworld Romulan Star Empire    Romulan
#> 3 galaxy2 Qo'noS      3197  2303 Planet Homeworld Klingon Empire         Klingon
#> 4 galaxy2 Breen       1228  1181 Planet Homeworld Breen Confederacy      Breen  
#> 5 galaxy2 Ferenginar  2026   886 Planet Homeworld Ferengi Alliance       Ferengi
#> 6 galaxy2 Cardassia   1543  1903 Planet Homeworld Cardassian Union       Cardas…
#> 7 galaxy2 Tholia       713  2971 Planet Homeworld Tholian Assembly       Tholian
#> 8 galaxy2 Tzenketh    1734  1721 Planet Homeworld Tzenkethi Coalition    Tzenke…
#> 9 galaxy2 Talar       1338  2368 Planet Homeworld Talarian Republic      Talari…