
This script downscales monthly climate anomalies geotiffs to either of two sets of monthly PRISM climatologies, the 2-km resolution 1961-1990 climatologies or the 771-m 1971-2000 climatologies.

Unlike the climatologies.R and amomalies.R which create their respective geotiffs for any of a number of different data sets, this downscaling script strictly performs downscaling to these PRISM climatologies over their respective spatial extents at the respective resolutions.

Although the PRISM downscaling code below includes a method argument, which bifurcates the processing function into two methods of downscaling, only one method is functional when attempting to downscale such a large amount of data to such a fine spatial resolution at once using parallelized code.

Using method='gdal' will tend to throw segmentation fault errors related to GDAL dataset copy failures on the Atlas cluster. As a result, the tried and true method='akima' must be used. The former approach is successfully used in the 10-minute resolution CRU 2.0 climatology downscaling, where GDAL does not choke on the smaller amount of data. The upside to this method, although slower even when functional, is that it allows for more familiar-looking code, in the sense that more people working with spatial data are familiar with the raster package, which handles the transformations, as opposed to the akima package.

At this scale, however, method='akima' must be used, unless one wants to wait forever for serial processing of so many files using the raster package. Therefore, the methods used in this version of downscaling are not the same as those employed when downscaling to some coarser climatologies.

ds_prism.R is called with command line arguments by one of two SLURM scripts, ds_prism_cru.slurm or ds_prism_gcm.slurm.

R code


comargs <- (commandArgs(TRUE))
if (!length(comargs)) q("no") else for (z in 1:length(comargs)) eval(parse(text = comargs[[z]]))

if (!exists("i")) stop("Index variable 'i' not passed at command line.")
if (!exists("domain")) stop("Spatial domain variable 'domain' not passed at command line.")
if (!(domain %in% c("akcan2km", "ak771m"))) stop("Improper spatial domain specified.")


# Part of GDAL test rasterOptions(maxmemory=1e+10, chunksize=2e+08) # 12
# simultaneous processes on one Atlas node
# rasterOptions(tmpdir='/big_scratch/mfleonawicz/tmp/')
# print(rasterOptions())

if (domain == "akcan2km") climDir <- paste0("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/AK_CAN_2km/historical/singleBand/prism/AK_CAN_2km_PRISM/AK_CAN_geotiffs/", 
    c("pr", "tas"), "/ak83albers")
if (domain == "ak771m") climDir <- paste0("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/AK_800m/historical/singleBand/prism/AK_800m_PRISM/geotiffs/", 
    c("pr", "tas"))
b.clim.p <- readAll(stack(list.files(climDir[1], full = TRUE, pattern = ".tif$")))
b.clim.t <- readAll(stack(list.files(climDir[2], full = TRUE, pattern = ".tif$")))

anomDir <- list.files("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/Anomalies/1961_1990_Base_Climatology", 
    full = T)
allowed.models <- c("cccma-cgcm3-1-t47", "gfdl-cm2-1", "miroc3-2-medres", "mpi-echam5", 
    "ukmo-hadcm3", "CCSM4", "GFDL-CM3", "GISS-E2-R", "IPSL-CM5A-LR", "MRI-CGCM3", 
    "CRU_TS30", "CRU_TS31", "CRU_TS32")

outDir <- if (domain == "akcan2km") "/Data/Base_Data/Climate/AK_CAN_2km" else "/Data/Base_Data/Climate/AK_800m"

if (i > length(anomDir)) stop("Index variable 'i' exceeds maximum value.")

mos <- c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:12)
meta <- unlist(strsplit(basename(anomDir[i]), "_"))
grp <- meta[1]
grp2 <- if (grp == "AR4") "AR4_CMIP3_models" else if (grp == "AR5") "AR5_CMIP5_models" else grp
scenario <- meta[4]
period.scenario <- if (scenario == "historical") c(scenario, "") else c("projected", 
# period.scenario <- if(scenario=='historical') c(file.path(scenario,
# 'singleBand'), '') else c('projected', scenario)
models <- list.files(anomDir[i])
models <- models[models %in% allowed.models]

Support function

# Support function for method='akima'
trim2 <- function(x, y = NULL, out = "matrix", rc.ind = F, xy.ext = F) {
    if (!any(out == c("matrix", "raster"))) 
        stop("output must be a matrix or raster")
    if (class(x) == "matrix") {
        if (class(y) != "RasterLayer" & (out == "raster" | xy.ext == T)) 
            stop("must input spatial information for raster or extent outputs")
        if (out == "raster" | xy.ext == T) {
            cres <- 0.5 * res(y)
            crs <- projection(y)
    if (class(x) == "RasterLayer") {
        if (out == "raster" | xy.ext == T) {
            cres <- 0.5 * res(x)
            crs <- projection(x)
            y <- x
        x <- matrix(as.array(x), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
    if (class(x) != "matrix") {
        stop("x must be of class raster or matrix")
    } else {
        r.na <- c.na <- c()
        for (i in 1:nrow(x)) r.na <- c(r.na, all(is.na(x[i, ])))
        for (i in 1:ncol(x)) c.na <- c(c.na, all(is.na(x[, i])))
        r1 <- 1 + which(diff(which(r.na)) > 1)[1]
        r2 <- nrow(x) - which(diff(which(rev(r.na))) > 1)[1]
        c1 <- 1 + which(diff(which(c.na)) > 1)[1]
        c2 <- ncol(x) - which(diff(which(rev(c.na))) > 1)[1]
        x <- x[r1:r2, c1:c2]
        if (out == "raster" | xy.ext == T) {
            xs <- xFromCol(y, col = c(c1, c2)) + c(-1, 1) * cres[1]
            ys <- yFromRow(y, row = c(r2, r1)) + c(-1, 1) * cres[2]
        if (out == "raster") 
            x <- raster(x, xmn = xs[1], xmx = xs[2], ymn = ys[1], ymx = ys[2], 
                crs = crs)
        if (rc.ind == T & xy.ext == T) {
            x <- list(x = x, rc = c(r1, r2, c1, c2), xy = c(xs, ys))
        } else if (rc.ind) {
            x <- list(x = x, rc = c(r1, r2, c1, c2))
        } else if (xy.ext) {
            x <- list(x = x, xy = c(xs, ys))

Processing function

# Processing function
f <- function(j, i, par.by.month = FALSE, anomDir, outDir, b.clim.t, b.clim.p, 
    method = "akima") {
    if (par.by.month) {
        mo <- j
        jj <- j <- 1
    } else {
        mo <- 1:12
        jj <- length(models)
    for (k in mo) {
        r.clim.t <- subset(b.clim.t, k)
        r.clim.p <- subset(b.clim.p, k)
        # Read temp and precip (two) annual time series multiband tif files for
        # given anomalies directory, model, and month
        pat.t <- paste0("^tas.*._", mos[k], "_.*.tif$")
        pat.p <- paste0("^pr.*._", mos[k], "_.*.tif$")
        file.t <- list.files(file.path(anomDir[i], models[j]), pattern = pat.t, 
            full = T)
        file.p <- list.files(file.path(anomDir[i], models[j]), pattern = pat.p, 
            full = T)
        isCRU <- substr(models[j], 1, 3) == "CRU"
        file.year.ind <- if (isCRU) 
            7:8 else 9:10
        yrs <- as.numeric(substr(unlist(strsplit(basename(file.t), "_"))[file.year.ind], 
            1, 4))
        yrs <- seq(yrs[1], yrs[2])
        dir.create(outDir.t <- gsub("//", "/", file.path(outDir, period.scenario[1], 
            grp2, period.scenario[2], models[j], "tas")), recur = T, showWarnings = F)
        dir.create(outDir.p <- gsub("//", "/", file.path(outDir, period.scenario[1], 
            grp2, period.scenario[2], models[j], "pr")), recur = T, showWarnings = F)
        b.anom.t <- brick(file.t)
        b.anom.p <- brick(file.p)
        if (xmin(b.anom.t) < 0 & xmax(b.anom.t) < 360) 
            b.anom.t <- extend(b.anom.t, c(xmin(b.anom.t), xmax(b.anom.t) + 
                res(b.anom.t)[1], ymin(b.anom.t), ymax(b.anom.t)))  # slight adjustments for some files to avoid erroneous regions of NAs following interpolation
        if (xmin(b.anom.t) > 0 | xmax(b.anom.t) < 360) 
            stop("Source raster brick files require direct investigation of extent values.")
        if (xmin(b.anom.p) < 0 & xmax(b.anom.p) < 360) 
            b.anom.p <- extend(b.anom.p, c(xmin(b.anom.p), xmax(b.anom.p) + 
                res(b.anom.p)[1], ymin(b.anom.p), ymax(b.anom.p)))  # slight adjustments for some files to avoid erroneous regions of NAs following interpolation
        if (xmin(b.anom.p) > 0 | xmax(b.anom.p) < 360) 
            stop("Source raster brick files require direct investigation of extent values.")
        ext <- extent(c(xmin(b.anom.t), xmax(b.anom.t), 40, 80))  # Bigger than PRISM WGS84 bounding box on all sides
        nc <- ncol(b.anom.t)
        if (xmin(b.anom.t) < 0 & all(is.na(b.anom.t[nc]))) {
            for (h in 1:nlayers(b.anom.t)) {
                r.anom.t <- subset(b.anom.t, h)
                r.anom.p <- subset(b.anom.p, h)
                r.anom.t[, nc] <- r.anom.t[, 1]  # Last row is the same as first row
                r.anom.p[, nc] <- r.anom.p[, 1]
                b.anom.t <- setValues(b.anom.t, r.anom.t[], layer = h)
                b.anom.p <- setValues(b.anom.p, r.anom.p[], layer = h)
        b.anom.t <- rotate(crop(b.anom.t, ext))
        b.anom.p <- rotate(crop(b.anom.p, ext))
        projection(b.anom.t) <- projection(b.anom.p) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
        print("Bricks loaded. Commence downscaling.")
        if (method == "akima") {
            proj4.out <- projection(r.clim.p)
            nr <- nrow(r.clim.t)
            nc <- ncol(r.clim.t)
            cres <- 0.5 * res(r.clim.t)
            xmn <- xmin(r.clim.t) + cres[1]
            xmx <- xmax(r.clim.t) - cres[1]
            ymn <- ymin(r.clim.t) + cres[2]
            ymx <- ymax(r.clim.t) - cres[2]
            x.out <- seq(xmn, xmx, l = nc)
            y.out <- seq(ymn, ymx, l = nr)
            m.clim.p <- trim2(r.clim.p, rc.ind = T, xy.ext = T)
            rc.ind <- m.clim.p[[2]]
            xy.ext <- m.clim.p[[3]]
            xmn <- xy.ext[1]
            xmx <- xy.ext[2]
            ymn <- xy.ext[3]
            ymx <- xy.ext[4]
            m.clim.p <- m.clim.p[[1]]
            m.clim.t <- trim2(r.clim.t)
            for (h in 1:nlayers(b.anom.t)) {
                r.anom.t <- subset(b.anom.t, h)
                r.anom.p <- subset(b.anom.p, h)
                v.t <- getValues(r.anom.t)
                v.p <- getValues(r.anom.p)
                if (h == 1) {
                  xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(r.anom.p, 1:ncell(r.anom.p)))
                  coordinates(xy) <- c("x", "y")
                  proj4string(xy) <- projection(r.anom.p)
                  xy <- coordinates(spTransform(xy, CRS = CRS(proj4.out)))
                  bb <- as.numeric(bbox(r.clim.t) * matrix(c(1.1, 0.9, 1.1, 
                    1.1), 2, 2))
                  e <- 2e+05  # extend all sides by 200 km
                  ind1 <- which(point.in.polygon(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], c(xmn - e, 
                    xmx + e, xmx + e, xmn - e, xmn - e), c(ymn - e, ymn - e, 
                    ymx + e, ymx + e, ymn - e)) > 0)
                ind <- ind1
                z.t <- v.t[ind]
                z.p <- v.p[ind]
                if (any(is.na(z.p))) 
                  ind <- ind[!is.na(z.p)]
                x <- xy[ind, 1]
                y <- xy[ind, 2]
                z.t <- v.t[ind]
                z.p <- v.p[ind]
                spl.t <- interp(x, y, z.t, xo = x.out, yo = y.out, linear = T)
                spl.p <- interp(x, y, z.p, xo = x.out, yo = y.out, linear = T)
                mat.t <- t(spl.t$z)[nr:1, ]
                mat.p <- t(spl.p$z)[nr:1, ]
                if (exists("rc.ind")) {
                  mat.t <- mat.t[rc.ind[1]:rc.ind[2], rc.ind[3]:rc.ind[4]]
                  mat.p <- mat.p[rc.ind[1]:rc.ind[2], rc.ind[3]:rc.ind[4]]
                r.new.t <- raster(round(mat.t + m.clim.t, 1), xmn = xmn, xmx = xmx, 
                  ymn = ymn, ymx = ymx, crs = proj4.out)
                r.new.p <- raster(round(mat.p * m.clim.p), xmn = xmn, xmx = xmx, 
                  ymn = ymn, ymx = ymx, crs = proj4.out)
                names(r.new.t) <- paste("tas_mean_C", grp, models[j], scenario, 
                  mos[k], yrs[h], sep = "_")
                names(r.new.p) <- paste("pr_total_mm", grp, models[j], scenario, 
                  mos[k], yrs[h], sep = "_")
                if (isCRU) {
                  names(r.new.t) <- gsub("CRU_CRU_", "CRU_", names(r.new.t))
                  names(r.new.p) <- gsub("CRU_CRU_", "CRU_", names(r.new.p))
                writeRaster(r.new.t, paste0(outDir.t, "/", names(r.new.t), ".tif"), 
                  datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T)
                writeRaster(r.new.p, paste0(outDir.p, "/", names(r.new.p), ".tif"), 
                  datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T)
                print(paste("######## Model", j, "of", jj, "| Month", k, "of 12 | Year", 
                  h, "of", nlayers(b.anom.t), "########"))
        } else if (method == "gdal") {
            # GDAL cannot process such a large chunk of data at once, use akima method
            # for PRISM 2-km (or 771-m) downscaling
            t.on <- Sys.time()
            b.new.t <- projectRaster(b.anom.t, r.clim.t)
            print("Brick projected")
            b.new.t <- mask(b.new.t, r.clim.t)
            print("Brick masked")
            b.new.t <- round(b.new.t + r.clim.t, 1)
            # assign(paste0('b.t.', k), b.new.t, pos=1) rm(b.new.t)
            print("Done with temperature downscaling")
            t.off <- Sys.time()
            print(difftime(t.off, t.on))
            t.on <- Sys.time()
            # b.new.t <- get(paste0('b.t.', k), envir=.GlobalEnv)
            nc <- ncol(b.new.t)
            for (h in 1:nlayers(b.new.t)) {
                print(paste("h =", h))
                r.new.t <- subset(b.new.t, h)
                names(r.new.t) <- paste("tas_mean_C", grp, models[j], scenario, 
                  mos[k], yrs[h], sep = "_")
                if (isCRU) 
                  names(r.new.t) <- gsub("CRU_CRU_", "CRU_", names(r.new.t))
                writeRaster(r.new.t, paste0(outDir.t, "/", names(r.new.t), ".tif"), 
                  datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T)
                print(paste("######## Model", j, "of", jj, "| Month", k, "of 12 | Year", 
                  h, "of", nlayers(b.new.t), "########"))
            b.new.p <- projectRaster(b.anom.p, r.clim.p)
            b.new.p <- mask(b.new.p, r.clim.p)
            b.new.p <- round(b.new.p * r.clim.p)
            # assign(paste0('b.p.', k), b.new.p, pos=1) rm(b.new.p)
            print("Done with precipitation downscaling")
            t.off <- Sys.time()
            print(difftime(t.off, t.on))
            # b.new.p <- get(paste0('b.p.', k), envir=.GlobalEnv)
            for (h in 1:nlayers(b.new.p)) {
                r.new.p <- subset(b.new.p, h)
                names(r.new.p) <- paste("pr_total_mm", grp, models[j], scenario, 
                  mos[k], yrs[h], sep = "_")
                if (isCRU) 
                  names(r.new.p) <- gsub("CRU_CRU_", "CRU_", names(r.new.p))
                writeRaster(r.new.p, paste0(outDir.p, "/", names(r.new.p), ".tif"), 
                  datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T)
                print(paste("######## Model", j, "of", jj, "| Month", k, "of 12 | Year", 
                  h, "of", nlayers(b.new.p), "########"))

Run downscaling

# Run
if (exists("month.index") && all(1:12 %in% month.index)) {
    mclapply(month.index, f, i = i, par.by.month = TRUE, anomDir = anomDir, 
        outDir = outDir, b.clim.t = b.clim.t, b.clim.p = b.clim.p, method = "akima", 
        mc.cores = length(month.index))
} else mclapply(1:length(models), f, i = i, anomDir = anomDir, outDir = outDir, 
    b.clim.t = b.clim.t, b.clim.p = b.clim.p, method = "akima", mc.cores = min(length(models), 