
anomPrep.R contains the function, anomPrep. It is sourced by anomalies.R. anomPrep compiles metadata based on the data source used to calculate anomalies (e.g., CMIP3 or CMIP5 GCMs, various CRU data sets, or ERA 40 reanalysis data). This information is used by the function anomCalc to properly carry out the anomalies geotiff generation for a given data source.

R code

anomPrep <- function(dataset, years, yrs.clim, scenario = NULL) {
    if (max(yrs.clim) > 2005 & is.null(scenario)) 
        stop("Must provide scenario name of base climatology if using a projected climatology period")
    if (max(yrs.clim) < 2001) 
        climID <- "historical" else climID <- "projected"
    if (dataset == "AR4gcm" | dataset == "AR5gcm") {
        datID <- "GCM"
        arID <- substr(dataset, 1, 3)
        varid <- c("tas", "pr")
        if (any(years > 2005)) {
            if (arID == "AR4" & (years[1] < 2001 | years[2] > 2100)) 
                stop("Year range for AR4 projected GCMs restricted to 2001:2100")
            if (arID == "AR5" & (years[1] < 2006 | years[2] > 2100)) 
                stop("Year range for AR5 projected GCMs restricted to 2006:2100")
            if (arID == "AR4") 
                scen <- c("sresb1", "sresa1b", "sresa2") else if (arID == "AR5") 
                scen <- c("rcp26", "rcp45", "rcp60", "rcp85")
            if (!is.null(scenario)) 
                scen <- scenario else scenario <- "historical"
            varid <- rep(varid, each = length(scen))
            scen <- rep(scen, length(unique(varid)))
            mainDir <- paste("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/GCM_raw/IPCC_", 
                arID, "_monthly/projected_tifs/", scen, "/", varid, sep = "")
            pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^", .(arID), 
                "_GCM.*.", .(scenario), ".*.")), collapse = ""))
            climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        } else {
            if (arID == "AR4" & (years[1] < 1850 | years[2] > 2000)) 
                stop("Year range for AR4 historical GCMs restricted to 1850:2000")
            if (arID == "AR5" & (years[1] < 1850 | years[2] > 2005)) 
                stop("Year range for AR5 historical GCMs restricted to 1850:2005")
            scen <- rep("historical", length(varid))
            mainDir <- paste("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/GCM_raw/IPCC_", 
                arID, "_monthly/historical_tifs/", varid, sep = "")
            pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^", .(arID), 
                "_GCM.*.historical.*.")), collapse = ""))
            climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        files <- modinfo <- modnames <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(mainDir)) {
            files[[i]] <- list.files(mainDir[i], pattern = ".tif$")
            modinfo[[i]] <-"rbind", strsplit(files[[i]], "_"))[, 1:5]
            modnames[[i]] <- modinfo[[i]][, 3]
    } else if (dataset == "cru322") {
        datID <- "CRU"
        arID <- ""
        if (years[1] < 1901 | years[2] > 2013) 
            stop("Year range for CRU 3.22 restricted to 1901:2013")
        scen <- rep(c("historical"), 2)
        varid <- c("tas", "pr")
        mainDir <- rep(file.path("/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/CRU_grids/CRU_TS322"), 
        pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^CRU_TS32.*.historical.*.")), 
            collapse = ""))
        climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        files <- modnames <- list()
        files[[1]] <- list.files(mainDir[1], pattern = "*.tmp.*.nc$")
        files[[2]] <- list.files(mainDir[2], pattern = "*.pre.*.nc$")
        modinfo <- NULL
        modnames[[2]] <- modnames[[1]] <- "CRU_TS32"
    } else if (dataset == "cru3101") {
        datID <- "CRU"
        arID <- ""
        if (years[1] < 1901 | years[2] > 2009) 
            stop("Year range for CRU 3.1.01 restricted to 1901:2009")
        scen <- "historical"
        varid <- "pr"
        mainDir <- file.path("/DataBase_Data/Climate/World/CRU_grids/CRU_TS31_01")
        pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^CRU_TS31.*.historical.*.")), 
            collapse = ""))
        climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        files <- list.files(mainDir, pattern = "*.pre.*.nc$")
        modinfo <- NULL
        modnames <- "CRU_TS31"
    } else if (dataset == "cru31") {
        datID <- "CRU"
        arID <- ""
        if (years[1] < 1901 | years[2] > 2009) 
            stop("Year range for CRU 3.1 restricted to 1901:2009")
        scen <- rep(c("historical"), 2)
        varid <- c("tas", "pr")
        mainDir <- rep(file.path("/DataBase_Data/Climate/World/CRU_grids/CRU_TS31"), 
        pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^CRU_TS31.*.historical.*.")), 
            collapse = ""))
        climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        files <- modnames <- list()
        files[[1]] <- list.files(mainDir[1], pattern = "*.tmp.*.nc$")
        files[[2]] <- list.files(mainDir[2], pattern = "*.pre.*.nc$")
        modinfo <- NULL
        modnames[[2]] <- modnames[[1]] <- "CRU_TS31"
    } else if (dataset == "cru30") {
        datID <- "CRU"
        arID <- ""
        if (years[1] < 1901 | years[2] > 2006) 
            stop("Year range for CRU 3.0 restricted to 1901:2006")
        scen <- rep(c("historical"), 2)
        varid <- c("tas", "pr")
        mainDir <- rep(file.path("/DataBase_Data/Climate/World/CRU_grids/CRU_TS30"), 
        pat = gsub("expression", "", paste(bquote(expression("^CRU_TS30.*.historical.*.")), 
            collapse = ""))
        climDir <- file.path(climDir1, list.files(climDir1, pattern = pat))
        files <- modnames <- list()
        files[[1]] <- list.files(mainDir[1], pattern = "*.tmp.*.nc$")
        files[[2]] <- list.files(mainDir[2], pattern = "*.pre.*.nc$")
        modinfo <- NULL
        modnames[[2]] <- modnames[[1]] <- "CRU_TS30"
    return(list(datID = datID, arID = arID, scen = scen, varid = varid, mainDir = mainDir, 
        climDir = climDir, files = files, modinfo = modinfo, modnames = modnames))