
anomCalcAsScript.R is similar to anomCalc.R except that it is, under certain conditions, sourced later in anomalies.R in script form rather than as calling a function. The result is that same as with anomCalc.R, which is the calculation of climate anomalies geotiffs.

The methods differ in that calling this script from anomalies.R rather than calling the anomCalc function, offers a different point of parallelization. Instead of parallelizing across data sets, anomCalcAsScript.R is often used to process a single data set while parallelizing across twelve months.

This is ideal for CRU data sets, for reprocessing a single GCM, or for processing multiple GCMs one at a time where the GCMs may differ substantially in respective file sizes. However, this is strictly available for CRU at this time, which is always processed one data set at a time (hence there is no reason not to use this method). This option remains currently unavailable for GCM anomalies geotiff generation until some code updates can be made.

R code

resamp <- F
pacifCentCRU <- T
gridName <- NULL
clim.mod.dirs <- F
if (interpNAs == T & !is.null(setNAs)) require(akima)
if (!datID == "GCM") arID <- ""
if (clim.mod.dirs) climModDir <- modnames[[k]][i] else climModDir <- ""

if (datID == "GCM") {
    yr.base <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 16, nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 
    yr.tail <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 9, nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 
} else if (datID == "CRU") {
    yr.base <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 15, nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 
    yr.tail <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 10, nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 

dirName <- gsub("_CRU", modnames[[k]][i], paste(arID, datID, "anomalies", scen, 
    yr1, yr2, sep = "_"))
if (yr1 < yr.base) yr1 <- yr.base

if (resamp == T & !is.null(gridName)) {
    dir.create(outDir <- file.path(newDir, paste(gridName, "_", dirName, sep = ""), 
        modnames[[k]][i]), showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
} else {
    dir.create(outDir <- file.path(newDir, dirName, modnames[[k]][i]), showWarnings = F, 
        recursive = T)

dir.create(qaqcDir <- file.path(outDir, "QAQC"), showWarnings = F)
mo <- c(paste("0", 1:9, sep = ""), 10:12)
b <- brick(file.path(mainDir[[k]], files[[k]][i]))
print(paste("brick ", i, " loaded", sep = ""), quote = F)

if (datID == "GCM") {
    if (var == "pr" & interpNAs) {
        b1 <- (ncell(b) - ncol(b) + 1):ncell(b)
        b2 <- seq(1, ncell(b), ncol(b))
        b3 <- 1:ncol(b)
        b4 <- seq(ncol(b), ncell(b), ncol(b))
        bound <- sort(unique(c(b1, b2, b3, b4)))
} else if (datID == "CRU") {
    b <- stack(b)
    r.cru <- raster(b, 1)
    if (modnames[[k]][i] == "CRU_TS30") { <- Which(r.cru == -99.9, cells = T)
        r.cru[] <- NA
    } else <- Which(, cells = T)  # CRU 3.0 uses -99.9 as NA
    if (var == "pr" & interpNAs) 
        bound <- Which(boundaries(r.cru, type = "inner") == 1, cells = T)
if (arID == "AR4" & ((yr2 == 2000 & yr.tail == 1999) | (yr2 == 2100 & yr.tail == 
    2099))) {
    # this line deals with HAD GCM ar4-type issues
    year.n <- subset(b, (nlayers(b) - 11):nlayers(b))
    # year.n.names <-
    # paste(substr(names(year.n),1,1),as.numeric(substr(names(year.n),2,5))+1,substr(names(year.n),6,11),sep='')
    # ## Still need to get Raster package to write specified layer names!
    b <- addLayer(b, year.n)
    # names(b)[(nlayers(b)-11):nlayers(b)] <- year.n.names

len <- 12 * length(yr1:yr2)
if (yr1 == yr.base) ind1 <- 1:len else ind1 <- (12 * length(yr.base:(yr1 - 1)) + 
    1):(12 * length(yr.base:(yr1 - 1)) + len)
climFile <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(file.path(climDir, climModDir), pattern = gsub("expression", 
    "", paste(bquote(expression("^", .(var), ".*.", .(modnames[[k]][i]), "_.*.climatology_01_12")), 
        collapse = "")), full = T))
b.clim <- brick(climFile)

qfun <- function(x, p) {
    a <- quantile(x, p, na.rm = T)
    x[x < a[1]] <- a[1]
    x[x > a[2]] <- a[2]
pfun <- function(x, p) ecdf(x)(p)

pr0.hold <- mclapply(1:12, anomCalcSubFun, mc.cores = 12)

if (var == "pr" & !is.null(pcdf)) {
    pr0.hold <-, pr0.hold)
    pr0.hold <- data.frame(cbind(Year = yr1:yr2, pr0.hold))
    names(pr0.hold) <- c("Year", paste("pr0.frac.", c(paste(0, 1:9, sep = ""), 
        10:12), sep = ""))
    rownames(pr0.hold) <- NULL
    write.table(pr0.hold, file.path(qaqcDir, "PrPropZero.txt"), row.names = F, 
        col.names = T, quote = F)
print(paste("#### ", modnames[[k]][i], " completed ####", sep = ""), quote = F)