
cru20prelimExtraction.R loads CRU 2.0 10-minute resolution climatology data, rasterizes it, applies minor adjustments which fascilitate robust downscaling, and saves output files as geotiffs.

R code


path <- "/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/CRU_grids/CRU_TS20"
path.out <- "/Data/Base_Data/Climate/World/Climatologies/1961_1990/CRU_CL20_climatologies_historical_1961_1990"

# Load and rasterize data
d <- read.table(list.files(path, pattern = "tmp.dat$", full = T))
for (i in 1:12) {
    r <- rasterFromXYZ(d[c(2, 1, i + 2)], res = rep(1/6, 2), crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84", 
        digits = 0)
    if (i == 1) 
        s.t <- r else s.t <- stack(s.t, r)
names(s.t) <- paste0("tas_CRU_TS20_historical_climatology_", c(paste(0, 1:9, 
    sep = ""), 10:12))

d <- read.table(list.files(path, pattern = "pre.dat$", full = T))
for (i in 1:12) {
    r <- rasterFromXYZ(d[c(2, 1, i + 2)], res = rep(1/6, 2), crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84", 
        digits = 0)
    if (i == 1) 
        s.p <- r else s.p <- stack(s.p, r)
names(s.p) <- paste0("pr_CRU_TS20_historical_climatology_", c(paste(0, 1:9, 
    sep = ""), 10:12))

# Set variable: tas or pr
var <- "tas"
if (var == "pr") s <- s.p else if (var == "tas") s <- s.t
setNAs <- 0.5
interpNAs <- T <- Which(, cells = T)
pq <- tq <- c(0.001, 0.999)  # for CRU 2.0 only!
pacifCentCRU <- T
if (var == "pr" & interpNAs) bound <- Which(edge(r, type = "inner") == 1, cells = T)
qfun <- function(x, p) {
    a <- quantile(x, p, na.rm = T)
    x[x < a[1]] <- a[1]
    x[x > a[2]] <- a[2]

# @kntir proc_func
f <- function(j) {
    s.clim <- subset(s, j)
    if (var == "pr" & !is.null(pq)) {
        m <- qfun(getValues(s.clim), p = pq)
        s.clim <- setValues(s.clim, m)
    if ((var == "tas") & !is.null(tq)) {
        m <- qfun(getValues(s.clim), p = tq)
        s.clim <- setValues(s.clim, m)
    if (var == "pr" & !is.null(setNAs)) {
        if (!interpNAs) 
            s.clim[s.clim <= setNAs] <- NA
        if (interpNAs) {
            cres <- 0.5 * res(s.clim)
            xmn <- xmin(s.clim) + cres[1]
            xmx <- xmax(s.clim) - cres[1]
            ymn <- ymin(s.clim) + cres[2]
            ymx <- ymax(s.clim) - cres[2]
            x.out <- seq(xmn, xmx, l = ncol(s.clim))
            y.out <- seq(ymn, ymx, l = nrow(s.clim))
            xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(s.clim, 1:ncell(s.clim)))
            v <- getValues(s.clim)
            v[][v[] < setNAs |[])] <- setNAs  # for CRU 2.0 only!!!
            s.clim <- setValues(s.clim, v)  # for CRU 2.0 only!!!
            # v[-bound][v[-bound]<setNAs] <- NA if(any([]))) doInterp <-
            # T else doInterp <- F if(doInterp){ v[bound][v[bound]<=setNAs] <- setNAs
            # ind1 <- which( ind2 <- which(v==setNAs) ind <- sort(c(ind1,ind2))
            # spl <- interp(xy[-ind1,1], xy[-ind1,2], v[-ind1], xo=x.out, yo=y.out,
            # linear=T, extrap=F) ## Bilinear spline interpolation m <-
            # t(spl$z)[nrow(s.clim):1,] s.clim[ind] <- t(m)[ind] }
            s.clim <- mask(s.clim, r)
    if (pacifCentCRU) {
        extent(s.clim) <- c(0, 360, ymin(s.clim), ymax(s.clim))
        s.clim <- rotate(s.clim)
        extent(s.clim) <- c(0, 360, ymin(s.clim), ymax(s.clim))
        projection(s.clim) <- NA
    print(paste("brick subset climatology ", j, " calculated", sep = ""), quote = F)
    # if(j==1) s.clim.hold <- s.clim else s.clim.hold <-
    # stack(s.clim.hold,s.clim)


# run
out <- mclapply(1:12, f, mc.cores = 12)
for (i in 1:12) {
    if (i == 1) 
        s <- out[[i]] else s <- stack(s, out[[i]])
if (var == "tas") writeRaster(s, file.path(path.out, "tas_CRU_TS20_historical_climatology_01_12_1961_1990.tif"), 
    datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T) else if (var == 
    "pr") writeRaster(s, file.path(path.out, "pr_CRU_TS20_historical_climatology_01_12_1961_1990.tif"), 
    datatype = "FLT4S", options = "COMPRESS=LZW", overwrite = T)