
anomCalc.R contains the function, anomCalc. It is sourced by anomalies.R. anomCalc calculates climate anomalies geotiffs.

R code

anomCalc <- function(i, yr1, yr2, arID, datID, var, scen = "historical", resamp = F, 
    pq = NULL, tq = NULL, setNAs = NULL, interpNAs = F, pcdf = NULL, pr0maps = F, 
    pacifCentCRU = T, gridName = NULL, clim.mod.dirs = F) {
    if (interpNAs == T & !is.null(setNAs)) 
    if (!datID == "GCM") 
        arID <- ""
    if (clim.mod.dirs) 
        climModDir <- modnames[[k]][i] else climModDir <- ""
    if (datID == "GCM") {
        yr.base <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 16, 
            nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 13))
        yr.tail <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 9, 
            nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 6))
    } else if (datID == "CRU") {
        yr.base <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 15, 
            nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 12))
        yr.tail <- as.numeric(substr(files[[k]][i], nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 10, 
            nchar(files[[k]][i]) - 7))
    dirName <- gsub("_CRU", modnames[[k]][i], paste(arID, datID, "anomalies", 
        scen, yr1, yr2, sep = "_"))
    if (yr1 < yr.base) 
        yr1 <- yr.base
    if (resamp == T & !is.null(gridName)) {
        dir.create(outDir <- file.path(newDir, paste(gridName, "_", dirName, 
            sep = ""), modnames[[k]][i]), showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
    } else {
        dir.create(outDir <- file.path(newDir, dirName, modnames[[k]][i]), showWarnings = F, 
            recursive = T)
    dir.create(qaqcDir <- file.path(outDir, "QAQC"), showWarnings = F)
    mo <- c(paste("0", 1:9, sep = ""), 10:12)
    b <- brick(file.path(mainDir[[k]], files[[k]][i]))
    print(paste("brick ", i, " loaded", sep = ""), quote = F)
    if (datID == "GCM") {
        if (var == "pr" & interpNAs) {
            b1 <- (ncell(b) - ncol(b) + 1):ncell(b)
            b2 <- seq(1, ncell(b), ncol(b))
            b3 <- 1:ncol(b)
            b4 <- seq(ncol(b), ncell(b), ncol(b))
            bound <- sort(unique(c(b1, b2, b3, b4)))
    } else if (datID == "CRU") {
        b <- stack(b)
        r.cru <- raster(b, 1)
        if (modnames[[k]][i] == "CRU_TS30") {
   <- Which(r.cru == -99.9, cells = T)
            r.cru[] <- NA
        } else <- Which(, cells = T)  # CRU 3.0 uses -99.9 as NA
        if (var == "pr" & interpNAs) 
            bound <- Which(boundaries(r.cru, type = "inner") == 1, cells = T)
    if (arID == "AR4" & ((yr2 == 2000 & yr.tail == 1999) | (yr2 == 2100 & yr.tail == 
        2099))) {
        # this line deals with HAD GCM ar4-type issues
        year.n <- subset(b, (nlayers(b) - 11):nlayers(b))
        # year.n.names <-
        # paste(substr(names(year.n),1,1),as.numeric(substr(names(year.n),2,5))+1,substr(names(year.n),6,11),sep='')
        # ## Still need to get Raster package to write specified layer names!
        b <- addLayer(b, year.n)
        # names(b)[(nlayers(b)-11):nlayers(b)] <- year.n.names
    len <- 12 * length(yr1:yr2)
    if (yr1 == yr.base) 
        ind1 <- 1:len else ind1 <- (12 * length(yr.base:(yr1 - 1)) + 1):(12 * length(yr.base:(yr1 - 
        1)) + len)
    climFile <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(file.path(climDir, climModDir), pattern = gsub("expression", 
        "", paste(bquote(expression("^", .(var), ".*.", .(modnames[[k]][i]), 
            "_.*.climatology_01_12")), collapse = "")), full = T))
    b.clim <- brick(climFile)
    qfun <- function(x, p) {
        a <- quantile(x, p, na.rm = T)
        x[x < a[1]] <- a[1]
        x[x > a[2]] <- a[2]
    pfun <- function(x, p) ecdf(x)(p)
    if (!is.null(pcdf)) 
        pr0.hold <- c()
    for (j in 1:12) {
        if (datID == "GCM") 
            names.out <- paste(modinfo[[k]][i, ], collapse = "_") else if (datID == "CRU") 
            names.out <- paste(var, modnames[[k]][i], scen, sep = "_")
        names.tmp <- gsub("__", "_", paste(names.out, "_", arID, "_anomaly_", 
            mo[j], "_", yr1, "_", yr2, sep = ""))
        ind <- which(rep(1:12, length(ind1)/12) == j) <- subset(b, ind1[ind])
        #### if(datID=='CRU' & pacifCentCRU) { <- stack(,values=F);
        #### extent( <- c(0,360,-90,90); projection( <- NA }
        r.clim <- raster(b.clim, j)
        if (var == "pr") {
            m <- getValues(
            if (modnames[[k]][i] == "CRU_TS30") 
                m[, ] <- NA
   <- setValues(, m)
            if (!is.null(pcdf)) 
                pr0.hold <- cbind(pr0.hold, round(as.numeric(apply(m, 2, FUN = pfun, 
                  p = pcdf)), 6))
            if (pr0maps) {
                zp <-
                zp[! & zp > 0] <- NA
                zp[zp == 0] <- 1
                zp <- calc(zp, sum, na.rm = T)
                zp.out <- paste(qaqcDir, "/PrFreqZeroOverTime", substr(names.tmp, 
                  nchar(names.tmp) - 12, nchar(names.tmp)), ".tif", sep = "")
                writeRaster(zp, zp.out, options = "COMPRESS=LZW", datatype = "FLT4S", 
                  overwrite = T)
            if (!is.null(setNAs)) {
                na.yrs <- c()
                if (interpNAs) {
                  for (zz in 1:nlayers( {
                    v <- getValues(subset(, zz))
                    v[-bound][v[-bound] <= setNAs] <- NA
                    if (datID == "GCM") 
                      na.yrs <- c(na.yrs, any( else if (datID == "CRU") 
                      na.yrs <- c(na.yrs, any([])))
                    if (!exists("cres") & any(na.yrs)) {
                      cres <- 0.5 * res(
                      xmn <- xmin( + cres[1]
                      xmx <- xmax( - cres[1]
                      ymn <- ymin( + cres[2]
                      ymx <- ymax( - cres[2]
                      x.out <- seq(xmn, xmx, l = ncol(
                      y.out <- seq(ymn, ymx, l = nrow(
                      xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(, 1:ncell(
                    if (na.yrs[zz]) {
                      if (datID == "GCM" & any( 
                        doInterp <- T else doInterp <- F
                      if (datID == "CRU") {
                        if (any([]))) 
                          doInterp <- T else doInterp <- F
                      if (doInterp) {
                        v[bound][v[bound] <= setNAs] <- setNAs
                        ind <- which(
                        spl <- interp(xy[-ind, 1], xy[-ind, 2], v[-ind], xo = x.out, 
                          yo = y.out, linear = T, extrap = F)  ## Bilinear spline interpolation
                        #### spl <- interp(jitter(xy[-ind,1]), jitter(xy[-ind,2]), v[-ind], xo=x.out,
                        #### yo=y.out, linear=T, extrap=F) ## Bilinear spline interpolation
                        m <- t(spl$z)[nrow(, ]
                        v <- as.numeric(t(m))
           <- setValues(, v, layer = zz)
                } else {
        [ <= setNAs] <- NA
            if (datID == "CRU") {
       <- mask(, r.cru)
                if (pacifCentCRU) {
                  extent( <- c(0, 360, -90, 90)  # fake extent to ease rotation
         <- rotate(
                  extent( <- c(0, 360, -90, 90)  # set proper
                  projection( <- NA
            if (!is.null(pq)) {
                m <- getValues(
                m <- apply(m, 2, FUN = qfun, p = pq)
       <- setValues(, m)
            #### if(!is.null(pcdf)) { pr0b <- as.numeric(apply(m,2,FUN=pfun,p=pcdf));
            #### pr0.hold <- cbind(pr0.hold,pr0,pr0b) }
        } else if (var == "tas") {
            if (datID == "CRU") {
       <- mask(, r.cru)
                if (pacifCentCRU) {
                  extent( <- c(0, 360, -90, 90)  # fafe extent to ease rotation
         <- rotate(
                  extent( <- c(0, 360, -90, 90)  # set proper
                  projection( <- NA
   <- - r.clim
            if (!is.null(tq)) {
                m <- getValues(
                m <- apply(m, 2, FUN = qfun, p = tq)
       <- setValues(, m)
        print(paste("brick ", i, " subset anomalies ", j, " calculated", sep = ""), 
            quote = F)
        if (resamp) 
   <- resample(, r, "ngb")  # nearest neighbor or bilinear
        if (resamp) 
            print(paste("brick ", i, " subset anomalies ", j, " resampled", 
                sep = ""), quote = F)
        names( <- paste(substr(names.tmp, 1, nchar(names.tmp) - 9), yr1:yr2, 
            sep = "")
        out <- paste(outDir, "/", names.tmp, ".tif", sep = "")
        writeRaster(, out, options = "COMPRESS=LZW", datatype = "FLT4S", 
            overwrite = T)
        print(paste(modnames[[k]][i], " : ", j, " completed", sep = ""), quote = F)
    if (var == "pr" & !is.null(pcdf)) {
        pr0.hold <- data.frame(cbind(Year = yr1:yr2, pr0.hold))
        #### names(pr0.hold) <-
        #### c('Year',paste('pr0.',rep(c('q1.','q2.'),12),rep(c(paste(0,1:9,sep=''),10:12),each=2),sep=''))
        names(pr0.hold) <- c("Year", paste("pr0.frac.", c(paste(0, 1:9, sep = ""), 
            10:12), sep = ""))
        rownames(pr0.hold) <- NULL
        write.table(pr0.hold, file.path(qaqcDir, "PrPropZero.txt"), row.names = F, 
            col.names = T, quote = F)
    print(paste("#### ", modnames[[k]][i], " completed ####", sep = ""), quote = F)