alfresco 0.2.6

  • Added ecoregion and fire management zone masking argument to fmo_ba. This adds a new dependency on snappoly.
  • Added accessor function, fire_perimiters, to obtain historical Alaska fire perimiter polygon data via AWS.

alfresco 0.2.5

  • Added plot function for zooming in on radial buffer around a point in a raster layer.

alfresco 0.2.4

  • Added additional handling of treatment runs, multiple FMO base map layers.
  • Added point fire probability function.
  • Updated documentation.

alfresco 0.2.3

  • Updated scripts and functions to allow for treatment subdirectories for JFSP project Alfresco run raw outputs, data extractions and curated data sets.

alfresco 0.2.2 (Release date: 2018-01-31)

  • Updated FMO map generation functions based on new map versions in snapgrid package.
  • Updated R function for generating slurm scripts for Atlas jobs. Added a partition argument.
  • Added ba_fmo for computing burn area by FMO zone for each year, averaged across replicates.
  • Package now depends on raster.
  • Updated documentation.

alfresco 0.2.1 (Release date: 2017-10-02)

  • Added fire_weights function for fire probability point estimates based on inverse distance weighting.
  • Added fire_probs function for fire probability point estimates using fire_weights output.
  • Added point_probs for parallelized application of fire_weights and fire_probs to multiple point locations.
  • Added initial vignette for point probability estimation.

alfresco 0.2.0 (Release date: 2017-09-29)

  • Added function for generating ALFRESCO outputs data extraction SLURM scripts leveraging Rmpi on SNAP’s Atlas cluster.
  • Added function for generating slurm and R scripts for performing distribution estimation on extractions.
  • Added functions for extraction and curation (discrete distribution estimation using rvtable package).
  • Refactored fmo_cb_reduction to handle projected data by RCP and GCM.

alfresco 0.1.1 (Release date: 2017-09-13)

  • Added functions for saving fire management options geotiff and png maps.

alfresco 0.1.0 (Release date: 2017-09-13)

  • Added functions for fire events processing, general data extraction, fire management options, and bridging consecutive ALFRESCO model runs.
  • Added function for generating bash scripts for data organization.
  • Added documentation and web pages.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.