contains a collection of utility functions for the development of other SNAPverse packages. snapmeta
is a satellite package of the SNAPverse collection of R packages.
The biggest convenience of snapmeta
is the streamlined, semi-automated SNAPverse package creation setup process. First, take a look at the helpful reminders in the console output from reminders
. It will be somewhat specific to your account and project if you pass arguments. For example, using my defaults:
This should all be familiar if you develop R packages, but it can be easy to occasionally neglect a step. The recommendations are not completely universal, however, and cater specifically to SNAPverse package development.
If it meets all needs, run:
If something different is needed, ignore the above wrapper function. Instead, make individual calls to whichever package setup functions are required.
A table of all SNAPverse packages can be obtained by:
#> # A tibble: 25 x 3
#> pkg type local
#> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 snapverse sector FALSE
#> 2 snaplite sector FALSE
#> 3 snapdata sector FALSE
#> 4 snapwebs sector FALSE
#> 5 snapstat functions FALSE
#> 6 snapplot functions FALSE
#> 7 snaplocs functions FALSE
#> 8 snapprep functions FALSE
#> 9 alfresco functions FALSE
#> 10 snapclim data FALSE
#> # ... with 15 more rows
The table includes columns giving the section of the verse a package belongs to and whether or not a local git repository/R source package exists sharing the same parent directory as the current package (current working directory). A short list of the latter existing local packages can be obtained by:
#> [1] "snapmeta.Rproj"
is also used to assist the snapapps
package with integrating new Shiny apps into its collection. snapapps
is an R package in the apps and docs sector of the SNAPverse that essentially serves as a repository of SNAP Shiny app examples in package form.
While in the process of developing or updating snapapps
an new Shiny app can be conveniently added to the package. As the name suggests, id may be vectorized so that you can add multiple apps at once.
use_apps(id = c("my_new_app1", "my_new_app2"))
By default this will also add a template DESCRIPTION
file and template
file to the package now inside snapapps
. It is assumed the app does not already have these. If it does, set description
and readme
. These files can also be added later on using use_appdesc
and use_appreadme
. This also gives more control over the content output by use_appdesc
use_appdesc("path/to/my_new_app1", title = "My first app", author = "Me", url = "",
tags = c("data analysis", "graphing"))
These functions are intended for using during snapapps
development and maintenence but can just as easily be used for including Shiny app examples in any R package.