Add a DESCRIPTION template to a Shiny app.
use_appdesc(base_path = ".", title, author = "Matthew Leonawicz", url = "", license = "MIT", mode = "Showcase", tags)
base_path | output directory. |
title | app title. |
author | author name. |
url | author url. |
license | license type. |
mode | Shiny display mode. |
tags | optional tags. May be a vector. See details. |
This file is used with Shiny app showcase mode.
Since snapmeta
is a developer package used by the SNAPverse author/maintainer,
most arguments to use_appdesc
have contextual defaults that you must otherwise override.
and tags
do not have defaults. If missing, they should be updated directly in the generated DESCRIPTION file.
Tags passed in the form tags = c("random variables", "plotmath")
will result in random-variables, plotmath
# NOT RUN { use_appdesc() # }