snapprep 0.2.8 (Release date: 2018-01-23)

  • Updated to work with changes in snapgrid package data.

snapprep 0.2.7 (Release date: 2017-12-13)

  • Added functions clim_locs_prep, clim_locs, and clim_locs_dec_all for extracting and curating point location climate data.

snapprep 0.2.6 (Release date: 2017-10-20)

  • Added split_monthly_files function for alternative file structure for outputs.
  • Added region_group argument to aws_upload for file filtering by region group.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Updated documentation.

snapprep 0.2.5 (Release date: 2017-10-06)

  • Added aws_upload for uploading curated SNAP data to AWS S3 buckets for use by Shiny apps and other applications and projects.
  • Added a vignette providing example context and usage of aws_upload for uploading SNAP data to AWS S3 buckets as a final step in typical SNAP data prep operations.

snapprep 0.2.0 (Release date: 2017-10-06)

  • Rearranged arguments in clim_dist_seasonal.
  • Added region_group argument to clim_stats_ar5 for file filtering to allow smaller batch processing jobs.

snapprep 0.1.9 (Release date: 2017-10-05)

  • Fixed issue with output directory paths for seasonal climate distributions.
  • Updated example code.
  • Removed unneeded, unused function argument from clim_dist_seasonal. The function only takes files for input. Use absolute paths.
  • Added vairable and rcp arguments to clim_dist_seasonal for splitting processing into smaller file batches.
  • Refactored clim_stats_ar5. This function uses monthly or seasonal outputs from clim_dist_monthly and clim_dist_seasonal to compute statistics.

snapprep 0.1.0

  • Added initial climate variable distribution estimation content to vignette.
  • Updated functions and documentation for CMIP5 data extraction and density estimation functions.
  • Updated defaults in snapdef.
  • Add defaults unit tests.
  • Added better handling of near-zero precipitation.


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.