While snappoly
is a data package, it does contain one helper function that prints out a simply summary of all the available data sets in the package along with some basic metadata. If you are new to the package or just need a quick reminder of what data you were using previously, this is a convenient way to get started.
#> # A tibble: 8 x 7
#> data domain features variables id multilevel description
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 alaska ak 1 2 <NA> FALSE Domain mask
#> 2 canada akcan 13 5 NAME FALSE Domain mask
#> 3 ecoreg ak 32 8 COMMO~ TRUE Alaska ecological re~
#> 4 aklcc ak 5 6 LCC_N~ FALSE Landscape Conservati~
#> 5 lcc akcan 5 3 LCC_N~ FALSE Landscape Conservati~
#> 6 cavm ak 3 4 Name TRUE Alaska circumpolar a~
#> 7 fmz ak 14 5 REGION FALSE Alaska Fire Service ~
#> 8 tpa akcan 8 5 MGT_A~ FALSE Alaska/Canada terres~
Load the raster
package, which provides a compact print function for the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
objects in snappoly
. Here is the Alaska LCC domain map.
#> class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#> features : 5
#> extent : -738286.4, 1491802, 517942.6, 2378458 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_1=55 +lat_2=65 +lat_0=50 +lon_0=-154 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0
#> variables : 6
#> names : LCC_Name, Acres_, Shape_Leng, Shape_Le_1, Shape_Area, Unit.ID
#> min values : Arctic LCC, 93457602, 11965337, 11941320, 1.353159e+12, 1
#> max values : Western Alaska LCC, 728185322, 133482546, 133482546, 3.782110e+11, 5
To access documentation on this data set, use help(aklcc)
or the alias ?aklcc
TO create a basic plot, coloring in different polygons, it is not necessary to explicitly load any additional packages.
clrs <- c("#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3", "#A6D854", "#FFD92F")
plot(aklcc, col = clrs, border = NA)
While the raster package is loaded, use some other functions on the Alaska LCC data set.
In addition to extent
, the functions xmin
, xmax
, ymin
and ymax
are available for individual boundary values. The Alaska Albers equal area conic projection is shared across all data sets in snappoly
. This is also consistent with data sets in the snapgrid
If you want to rasterize polygons from snappoly
it can be as simple as rasterizing a map using its own extent.
You will likely want to provide additional arguments to raster
than just the extent, such as nrows
and ncols
, or resolution
. Otherwise the resulting raster will default to 180 rows by 360 columns with interpolated x and y cell resolutions. Another option is to rasterize polygons from snappoly
based on a raster layer from the snapgrid
package if you want to work with them together in the same format. For example, rasterize the AK LCC polygons using the Alaska ALFRESCO spatial flammability domain, as utilized by the JFSP project and others. Then mask to this domain.
r <- mask(rasterize(aklcc, swflam), swflam)
plot(r, col = clrs)
The snapgrid
package is also recommended. Data sets included there are not duplicated in vectorized form here. These two packages compliment one another and each offers data sets that are most commonly utilized at SNAP in the respective vector or raster format. For a similar introduction to snapgrid
, see the corresponding vignette to get started.