This function returns a data frame with basic meta data for all flexdashboard templates in snapflex. This includes the following information:



a data frame.


  • the template ID used for generating a local flexdashboard.

  • a brief description of the template.

  • the variables included in the flexdashboard.

  • whether any variables are displayed as deltas in comparison to a baseline rather than as raw values.

  • intra- and/or inter-annual time period information if applicable.

  • whether Shiny is used at runtime to launch a local instance of an interactive flexdashboard rather than a standalone html document.

  • whether the template requires any additional parameters specified by the user.

Regarding required template-specific parameters, note that all templates in snapflex accept some parameters that are optional rather than required because the templates have set defaults for these if ignored. For example, all templates accept gfont , regular, bold and snaptheme. Since optional parameters are always available and are safely ignored, entries in the final column of the data frame are TRUE only if a template has required parameters where the user must always specify the value when rendering a template. Use flex_params to view a table of information about all parameters available for a given template.

See also

flex_templates flex_params


#> # A tibble: 2 x 7 #> id description variable deltas period shiny params #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> #> 1 psc1 projected seasonal clim~ temperature an~ TRUE seasonal,~ FALSE TRUE #> 2 rsds1 projected RSDS examples~ rsds FALSE annual, p~ FALSE TRUE