List the required and optional parameters for a flexdashboard template passed to flex.




character, the flexdashboard template. See flex_templates.


a list or NULL.


This function returns a data frame with three columns. The first contains parameter names pertaining to a specific template. The second is a column of default values. If NA, the parameter is required to be passed by the user any time the template is rendered using flex. Otherwise, the parameter is optional, given that a default value is set by the template if the user ignores the parameter. The third is a column of hints, containing information regarding what constitutes valid values for the parameters in case you are less familiar with the SNAPverse and SNAP climate data sets.

See also

flex_templates flex


#> # A tibble: 5 x 3 #> parameter value hint #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 location <NA> See snaplocs::locs for valid point location names. #> 2 gfont Play A valid Google Fonts name. See #> 3 regular 400 Regular Google font weight. #> 4 bold 400 Bold Google font weight. #> 5 snaptheme theme_sn~ A ggplot theme from the snapplot package, e.g., 'theme_s~