Generate CSS for background color and text color of value boxes based on hex color input.
valueBoxColorsCSS(bg = "#333333", col = "#FFFFFF")
bg | character, hex color of value box background. |
col | character, hex color of value box text. |
a character string wrapped in shiny::HTML
Colors must be in hex color format, e.g., "#FFFFFF"
This function generates CSS to be added to a Shiny app.
New value box elements are named by appending the hex color to .bg-
without the #
When using the valueBox
override function in apputils
make sure to specify a hex color "name" that is a character string without the #
, e.g., "FFFFFF".
The only available colors that will work with valueBox
in an app are those that have their CSS generated and loaded in the app as well.
#not run