apputils has a shinydashboard focus. apputils is a member package in the satellite sector of the SNAPverse. It supports other satellites in the verse, including maputils and snaputils.


Package functionality and areas of support covered by apputils include:

  • Overrides of shinydashboard::valueBox, shinydashbaord::infoBox and shiny::icon that support the use of local thumbnails images.

  • Stat boxes: special type of value or info boxes for common statistics using a collection of icons provided by the package.

  • Adjusted CSS styles and integration with packages like rintrojs and shinytoastr for interactive tours and toast messages.

  • Functions for including app information widgets such as citations, contact info, frequently asked questions and more.

  • Encapsulation of working with data frames in server.R in specific contexts and use cases to simplify code.

  • Wrappers around specific use cases for Leaflet maps, data tables, and general plotting in apps.

  • Helper functions for dynamic reports.