Most of the QAQC documentation and code can be explored under that project. Here I will discuss only the most relevant end stage R code used to curate the data for direct use in the Community Charts application, specifically the script, agg_city_data.R.

R code

General setup includes specifying paths, loading R packages, setting the number of processing cores for parallel, defining decades of interest, and listing files.

# library(plyr)
n.cores <- 32

domain <- "akcan2km"
# domain <- 'world10min'

decades.gcm <- seq(2010, 2090, by = 10)
decades.cru <- c(1960, 1970, 1980)
files.gcm <- list.files(file.path("city_files_GCM", domain), pattern = ".RData$", 
    full = TRUE)
files.cru31 <- list.files(file.path("city_files_CRU31", domain), pattern = ".RData$", 
    full = TRUE)
files.cru32 <- list.files(file.path("city_files_CRU32", domain), pattern = ".RData$", 
    full = TRUE)

The function used for loading and manipulating the data into curated form. The %>% (pipe operator) is available from the magrittr package, which is loaded when dplyr is loaded.

f <- function(i, files, decades, phase) {
    print(length(files) - i)
    load(files[i], envir = environment())
    if (substr(phase, 1, 3) == "CRU") 
        city.dat <- data.frame(Phase = phase, Scenario = phase, Model = phase, 
    city.dat <- city.dat %>% filter(Phase == phase, Decade %in% decades) %>% 
        group_by(Location, Scenario, Var, Month)
    if (substr(phase, 1, 3) != "CRU") 
        city.dat <- group_by(city.dat, Decade, add = TRUE)
    city.dat <- city.dat %>% summarise(Min = min(Val), Mean = mean(Val), Max = max(Val), 
        SD = sd(Val)) %>% mutate(Mean = ifelse(Var == "Precipitation", round(Mean), 
        round(Mean, 1)), SD = round(SD, 1)) %>%
    if (substr(phase, 1, 3) == "CRU") 
        city.dat$Decade <- paste(decades[1], tail(decades, 1) + 9, sep = "-")
    city.dat <- arrange(city.dat, Location, Scenario, Var, Decade, Month)

The data are processed in parallel. The lines which are commented out refer to some tests of compute times for different methods of combining multiple data frames.

system.time(out <- mclapply(1:length(files.gcm), f, files = files.gcm, decades = decades.gcm, 
    phase = "CMIP5", mc.cores = n.cores))
# system.time( d1 <-, out) ) system.time( d2 <- ldply(out,
# data.frame) ) system.time( d3 <- rbind.fill(out) )
system.time(d <-
d$Decade <- paste(d$Decade, as.numeric(d$Decade) + 9, sep = "-")

# identical(d1, d2) identical(d1, d3) identical(d1, d)

out <- mclapply(1:length(files.cru31), f, files = files.cru31, decades = decades.cru, 
    phase = "CRU 3.1", mc.cores = n.cores)
d.cru31 <-
d.cru31 <- d.cru31[, c(1:4, 9, 5:8)]

out <- mclapply(1:length(files.cru32), f, files = files.cru32, decades = decades.cru, 
    phase = "CRU 3.2", mc.cores = n.cores)
d.cru32 <-
d.cru32 <- d.cru32[, c(1:4, 9, 5:8)]

A variety of useful R workspace files are saved. Some prior workspaces are also loaded at specific stages below to be added to the current workspace before it is saved again.

locs <- unique(d$Location)  # run world10min domain last since it has more locations
file.2km <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_akcan2km.RData"
file.10min <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_world10min.RData"
file.cru31.2km <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru31_akcan2km.RData"
file.cru31.10min <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru31_world10min.RData"
file.cru32.2km <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru32_akcan2km.RData"
file.cru32.10min <- "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru32_world10min.RData"
if (domain == "akcan2km") {
    d.2km <- d
    save(d.2km, locs, file = file.2km)
    d.cru31.2km <- d.cru31
    save(d.2km, d.cru31.2km, locs, file = file.cru31.2km)
    d.cru32.2km <- d.cru32
    save(d.2km, d.cru32.2km, locs, file = file.cru32.2km)
} else if (domain == "world10min") {
    d.10min <- d
    save(d.10min, locs, file = file.10min)
    d.cru31.10min <- d.cru31
    save(d.10min, d.cru31.10min, locs, file = file.cru31.10min)
    d.cru32.10min <- d.cru32
    save(d.10min, d.cru32.10min, locs, file = file.cru32.10min)

if (all(file.exists(file.cru31.2km, file.cru31.10min, file.cru32.2km, file.cru32.10min))) {
    save(d.2km, d.10min, locs, file = "cc4lite/cc4lite_2km10min.RData")
    save(d.2km, d.10min, d.cru31.2km, d.cru31.10min, locs, file = "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru31_2km10min.RData")
    save(d.2km, d.10min, d.cru32.2km, d.cru32.10min, locs, file = "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru32_2km10min.RData")
    save(d.2km, d.10min, d.cru31.2km, d.cru31.10min, d.cru32.2km, d.cru32.10min, 
        locs, file = "cc4lite/cc4lite_cru3132_2km10min.RData")