Functions: Rmd documents

The main function for Rmd document generation is genRmd. This function makes use of helper functions for the Rmd yaml front-matter and knitr global options code chunk generation.


.rmdHeader generates the yaml metadata header for Rmd files as a character string to be inserted at the top of a file. It has several default arguments specific to my own projects but can be changed. If title or author are set to NULL, these fields will not occur in the generated yaml front-matter. The function is called directly by genRmd, which is passed an arguments list for this function. If title=="filenames", the names of individual files passed to genRmd are substituted, respectively. Any other character string represents a single, fixed title for all Rmd files generated from the vector of R scripts passed to genRmd.

# Generate Rmd files Rmd yaml front-matter called by genRmd
.rmdHeader <- function(title = "filenames", author = "Matthew Leonawicz", theme = "united", 
    highlight = "zenburn", toc = FALSE, = TRUE, ioslides = FALSE, include.pdf = FALSE) {
    if (toc) 
        toc <- "true" else toc <- "false"
    if ( <- "true" else <- "false"
    if (ioslides) 
        hdoc <- "ioslides_presentation" else hdoc <- "html_document"
    rmd.header <- "---\n"
    if (!is.null(title)) 
        rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "title: ", title, "\n")
    if (!is.null(author)) 
        rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "author: ", author, "\n")
    rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "output:\n  ", hdoc, ":\n    toc: ", toc, 
        "\n    theme: ", theme, "\n    highlight: ", highlight, "\n    keep_md: ",, "\n")
    if (ioslides) 
        rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "    widescreen: true\n")
    if (include.pdf) 
        rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "  pdf_document:\n    toc: ", toc, 
            "\n    highlight: ", highlight, "\n")
    rmd.header <- paste0(rmd.header, "---\n")


.rmdknitrSetup generates the knitr global options setup code chunk for Rmd files as a character string to be inserted at the top of a file following the yaml header. The only option at this time is the ability to include or exclude a source reference to a project-related code flow diagram R script via include.sankey, which defaults to TRUE. The function is called directly by genRmd. The ... argument to genRmd is passed to .rmdknitrSetup, currently accepting the include.sankey argument. This is not vectorized across files read by genRmd.

# Rmd knitr setup chunk called by genRmd
.rmdknitrSetup <- function(file, include.sankey = FALSE) {
    x <- paste0("\n```{r knitr_setup, echo=FALSE}\nopts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, eval=FALSE, tidy=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)\n")
    if (include.sankey) 
        x <- paste0(x, "read_chunk(\"../../code/proj_sankey.R\")\n")
    x <- paste0(x, "read_chunk(\"../../code/", gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(file)), 


genRmd works on existing projects. It checks for existing R scripts. If no R files exist in the project’s code directory, the function will abort. Otherwise it will generate Rmd template files for each of the R scripts it finds.

With replace=TRUE any existing Rmd files are regenerated with the provided template - be careful! With replace=FALSE (default) Rmd files are generated only for R scripts which do not yet have corresponding Rmd files. If update.header=TRUE, replace is ignored, and only existing Rmd files are regenerated, in this case strictly updating the yaml metadata header at the top of each Rmd file without altering any other Rmd content/documentation.

The Rmd files are placed in the /docs/Rmd directory. This function assumes this project directory exists.

This function calls .rmdHeader and .rmdknitrSetup. It includes defaults for all arguments to these functions. However, it will generally be necessary to pass a custom arguments list to header.args to be used internally by .rmdHeader.

genRmd <- function(path, replace = FALSE, header.args = list(title = "filename", 
    author = NULL, theme = "united", highlight = "zenburn", toc = FALSE, = TRUE, 
    ioslides = FALSE, include.pdf = FALSE), update.header = FALSE, ...) {
    files <- list.files(path, pattern = ".R$", full = TRUE)
    stopifnot(length(files) > 0)
    rmd <- gsub("\\.R", "\\.Rmd", basename(files))
    rmd <- file.path(dirname(path), "docs/Rmd", rmd)
    if (!(replace | update.header)) 
        rmd <- rmd[!sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
    if (update.header) 
        rmd <- rmd[sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
    stopifnot(length(rmd) > 0)
    sinkRmd <- function(x, arglist, ...) {
        if (arglist$title == "filename") 
            arglist$title <- gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(x))
        y1 <-, arglist)
        y2 <- .rmdknitrSetup(file = x, ...)
        y3 <- list(...)$rmd.template
        if (is.null(y3)) 
            y3 <- rmd.template
        sapply(c(y1, y2, y3), cat)
    swapHeader <- function(x, arglist) {
        if (arglist$title == "filename") 
            arglist$title <- gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.R", basename(x))
        header <-, arglist)
        l <- readLines(x)
        ind <- which(l == "---")
        l <- l[(ind[2] + 1):length(l)]
        l <- paste0(l, "\n")
        sapply(c(header, l), cat)
    if (update.header) {
        sapply(rmd, swapHeader, arglist = header.args)
        cat("yaml header updated for each .Rmd file.\n")
    } else {
        sapply(rmd, sinkRmd, arglist = header.args, ...)
        cat(".Rmd files created for each .R file.\n")


chunkNames can be used in two ways. It can return a list with length equal to the number of R files, where each list element is a vector of R code chunk names found in each R script.

Alternatively, with, this list has each vector matched element-wise against chunk names found in existing Rmd files. If no Rmd files have yet been generated, the function will abort. Otherwise, for the Rmd files which do exist (and this may correspond to a subset of the R files), these Rmd files are appended with a list of code chunk names found in the current corresponding R files which have not yet been integrated into the current state of the Rmd files. This facilitates updating of Rmd documentation when it falls behind scripts which have been updated.

chunkNames <- function(path, rChunkID = "# @knitr", rmdChunkID = "```{r", = FALSE) {
    files <- list.files(path, pattern = ".R$", full = TRUE)
    stopifnot(length(files) > 0)
    l1 <- lapply(files, readLines)
    l1 <- rapply(l1, function(x) x[substr(x, 1, nchar(rChunkID)) == rChunkID], 
        how = "replace")
    l1 <- rapply(l1, function(x, p) gsub(paste0(p, " "), "", x), how = "replace", 
        p = rChunkID)
    if (! 
    appendRmd <- function(x, rmd.files, rChunks, rmdChunks, ID) {
        r1 <- rmdChunks[[x]]
        r2 <- rChunks[[x]] <- r2[!(r2 %in% r1)]
        if (length( {
   <- paste0(ID, " ",, "}\n```\n", collapse = "")  # Hard coded brace and backticks
            sink(rmd.files[x], append = TRUE)
            paste(basename(rmd.files[x]), "appended with new chunk names from .R file")
        } else paste("No new chunk names appended to", basename(rmd.files[x]))
    rmd <- gsub("\\.R", "\\.Rmd", basename(files))
    rmd <- file.path(dirname(path), "docs/Rmd", rmd)
    rmd <- rmd[sapply(rmd, file.exists)]
    stopifnot(length(rmd) > 0)  # Rmd files must exist
    files.ind <- match(gsub("\\.Rmd", "", basename(rmd)), gsub("\\.R", "", basename(files)))  # Rmd exist for which R script
    l2 <- lapply(rmd, readLines)
    l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x) x[substr(x, 1, nchar(rmdChunkID)) == rmdChunkID], 
        how = "replace")
    l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x, p) gsub(paste0(p, " "), "", x), how = "replace", 
        p = gsub("\\{", "\\\\{", rmdChunkID))
    l2 <- rapply(l2, function(x) gsub("}", "", sapply(strsplit(x, ","), "[[", 
        1)), how = "replace")
    sapply(1:length(rmd), appendRmd, rmd.files = rmd, rChunks = l1[files.ind], 
        rmdChunks = l2, ID = rmdChunkID)

Regarding the creation and updating of Rmd files, rpm simply assumes that there will be one R Markdown file corresponding to one R script. This is not always the case for a given project, but again, the purpose is to generate basic templates. Unnecessary files can always be deleted later, or edits made such that one R Markdown file reads multiple R scripts, as is the case with the Rmd file used to generate this document.