Functions: Project creation


newProject creates a new named project directory structure at the specified file path. If a directory with this project name already exists in this location on the file system and overwrite=FALSE, the function will abort. Default project subdirectories are created unless a different vector of folder names is explicitly passed to newProject. If one of the subdirectories is docs then the default vector of subdirectories under docs is also created. This argument can also be set explicitly. The current function only creates directories, not files, so overwrite=TRUE is safe to use on any existing project.

newProject <- function(name, path, dirs = c("code", "data", "docs", "plots", 
    "workspaces"), docs.dirs = c("diagrams", "ioslides", "notebook", "Rmd/include", 
    "md", "html", "Rnw", "pdf", "timeline", "tufte"), overwrite = FALSE) {
    name <- file.path(path, name)
    if (file.exists(name) && !overwrite) 
        stop("This project already exists.")
    dir.create(name, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (!file.exists(name)) 
        stop("Directory appears invalid.")
    path.dirs <- file.path(name, dirs)
    sapply(path.dirs, dir.create, showWarnings = FALSE) <- file.path(name, "docs", docs.dirs)
    if ("docs" %in% dirs) 
        sapply(, dir.create, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (overwrite) 
        cat("Project directories updated.\n") else cat("Project directories created.\n")