For the basics of snapapps, see the package README.

Package metadata

Here is a bit more detail on the available metadata regarding apps included in snapapps. This can also be found in the snapps help documentation.

snapps returns a data frame with basic meta data for all Shiny apps in snapapps. This includes the following information:

  • the app ID used for launching an app via snapp.
  • the app name.
  • a short description.
  • date originally published.
  • date most recently revised.
  • app complexity rating: beginner, intermediate, advanced or developer.
  • a status indicator of whether the app is complete or partial with respect to the canonical hosted app. For example, did the local app require available data sets to be reduced or removed the minimize its size in snapapps?
  • an indicator of whether the app relies on publicly accessible data stored on Amazon Web Services in order to minimize package size. When possible, AWS is used to ensure a packaged app can be offered as complete.
  • the canonical remote url.
  • the redirect url.

More content will be added to this vignette as needed.