SNAPverse R package ecosystem development frozen.

Development of the SNAPverse R package ecosystem has been frozen indefinitely. This project was never directly funded. I began it out of personal interest, but no longer work for SNAP. It will remain archived here for historical reference.

R is used to manipulate and analyze data that both feed into and come out of the ALFRESCO wildfire model. The alfresco R package contains functions for working with ALFRESCO input and output data. It is a core functional package in the SNAPverse collection of R packages.


The alfresco package includes functions that assist with the following analyses and processing pipelines:

  • Fire events processing immediately following ALFRESCO runs
  • Post-ALFRESCO run, automated Shiny app creation.
  • Hierarchical data extractions from ALFRESCO run output geotiff map sets.
  • Calculations for burn area ratios across multiple ALFRESCO run scenarios.
  • Copying and organizing subsets of ALFRESCO outputs for consecutive model runs and in preparation for other analyses.
  • Generating fire management options ratios geotiffs and related graphics.
  • Generation of flexible bash and slurm scripts for processing catering to unique analysis and data processing needs.
  • Data extraction and statistics by Fire Management Options (FMO) zones.
  • Quickly access Alaska wildfire-related data sets like historical fire perimeters from the cloud.

This is a subset of eventual functionality. The package is under active development.


You can install alfresco from github with:

# install.packages('devtoools')